Friday, May 11, 2012

LOOKUP 05112012 A

Subject: 即期信用證

Jik kei suen yung jing si sammo yeung dik fu fun fong sik?


Fu fun fong sik: pat ho chit-siu jik-kei suen yung jing.

撤銷 chit-siu: to repeal / to revoke / to undo (computing).
 撤 chit: omit; remove; withdraw.
siu: melt, fuse; market, sell; to pass time, finish, cancel.

不可撤銷信用證(Irrevocable Credit)   不可撤銷信用證是指開證行一經開出、在有效期內未經受益人或議付行等有關當事人同意,不得隨意修改或撤銷的信用證;只要受益人按該證規定提供有關單據,開證行(或其指定的銀行)保證付清貨款。凡使用這種信用證,必須在該證上註明“不可撤銷”(Irrevocable)的字樣,並載有開證行保證付款的文句。按《跟單信用證統一慣例》(第600號出版物)第3條C款的規定:“信用證是不可撤銷的,即使信用證中對此未作指示也是如此。”原來的《跟單信用證統一慣例》國際商會(第500號出版物)1993年修訂本,分可撤銷信用證和不可撤銷信用證。]

不可撤銷信用證 pat ho chit siu suen yung jing: irrevocable letter of credit.
有效期內 yau haau gei noi: within the period of validity / before the sell-by date.
未經 mei ging:
受益人 sau yik yan: the beneficiary / the person who benefits.
議付 yi fu: negotiation (finance).
有關 yau gwan: to have sth to do with / to relate to / related to / to concern / concerning.
當事人 dong si yan: persons involved or implicated / party (to an affair).
同意 tung yi: to agree / to consent / to approve.
不得 bat dak: must not / may not / not to be allowed / cannot. 
隨意 cheui yi: as one wishes / according to one's wishes / at will / voluntary / conscious.
修改 sau goi: to amend / to alter / to modify (修 sau: study; repair; cultivate).
只要 jek yiu: if only / so long as.
on: to press / to push / to leave aside or shelve / to control / to restrain / to keep one's hand on / to check or refer to / according to / in the light of / (of an editor or author) to make a comment.
goi: should / ought to / probably / must be / to deserve / to owe / to be sb's turn to do sth / that / the above-mentioned.
jing: certificate / proof / to prove / to demonstrate / to confirm.
規定 kwai deng: provision / to fix / to set / to formulate / to stipulate / to provide / regulation / rule (規 kwai: rules, regulations, customs, law).
提供 dai gung: to offer / to supply / to provide / to furnish. 
單據 daan geui: receipts / invoices / transaction records (據 geui: to occupy, take possession of; a base).
指定 ji deng: to appoint / to assign / to indicate clearly and with certainty / designated.
保證 bou jing: guarantee / to guarantee / to ensure / to safeguard / to pledge.
付清 fu cheng: pay in full / pay all of a bill / pay off .
貨款 fo fun: payment for goods .


如下 yiu haa: as follows.
特徵 dak jing: characteristic / diagnostic property / distinctive feature / trait.

1、有開證行確定的付款承諾。 對於不可撤銷跟單信用證而言,在其規定的單據全部提交給指定銀行或開證行,符合信用證條款和條件時,即構成開證行按照信用證固定的時間付款的確定承諾。開證行確定的付款承諾是:  

確定 kok deng: definite / certain / fixed / to fix (on sth) / to determine / to be sure / to ensure / to make certain / to ascertain / to clinch / to recognize / to confirm / OK (on computer dialog box).
承諾 sing nok: to promise / to undertake to do something / commitment.
對於 deui yiu: regarding / as far as sth is concerned / with regards to.
撤銷 chit siu: to repeal / to revoke / to undo (computing).
daan: single, individual, only; lone.
而言 yi yin: with regard to (preceding phrase).
規定 gwai deng: provision / to fix / to set / to formulate / to stipulate / to provide / regulation / rule. 單據 daan geui: receipts / invoices / transaction records.
全部 chuen bou: whole / entire / complete .
交給 gaau kap: to give / to deliver / to hand over.
指定 ji deng: to appoint / to assign / to indicate clearly and with certainty / designated.
符合 fu hap: in keeping with / in accordance with / tallying with / in line with / to agree with / to accord with / to conform to / to correspond with / to manage / to handle.
條款 tiu fun: clause (of contract or law).
條件 tiu gin: condition / circumstances / term / factor / requirement / prerequisite / qualification.
jik: promptly, quickly, immediately.
構成 gau seng: to constitute / to form / to compose / to make up / to configure (computing).
按照 on jiu: according to / in accordance with / in the light of / on the basis of.
固定 gu deng: fixed / set / regular.
確定 kok deng: definite / certain / fixed / to fix (on sth) / to determine / to be sure / to ensure / to make certain / to ascertain / to clinch / to recognize / to confirm / OK (on computer dialog box).
承諾 sing nok: to promise / to undertake to do something / commitment.
延期付款 yin gei fu fun: to defer payment / to pay back over long term (延 yin: delay, postpone, defer ).
 到期日 dou gei yat: closing date (of contract) / maturity (of an investment bond).
付款 fu fun: to pay a sum of money / payment. 凡faan: all, any, every; ordinary, common.
yau: to follow / from / it is / reason / cause / because of / due to / to / to leave it (to sb) / by (introduces passive verb); cause, reason; from.
je: that which; he who; those who.
承兌 sing deui: to accept checks etc / to honor a check.
受益人 sau yik yan: the beneficiary / the person who benefits.
出具 chuet keui: to issue (document, certificate etc) / to provide.
匯票 wui piu: bill of exchange / bank draft.
並 bing: and / furthermore / also / together with / (not) at all / simultaneously / to combine / to join / to merge.
yiu: in / at / to / from / by / than / out of.
到期日 dou gei yat.
支付 ji fu: to pay (money).
另一 ling yat: another / the other (另 ling: another, separate, other).
sau: to receive / to accept / to suffer / subjected to / to bear / to stand / pleasant / (passive marker). 行為 haang wai: action / conduct / behavior / activity.
或者 waak je: or / possibly / maybe / perhaps.
yiu: to give.
支付 ji fu: to pay (money).
議付 yi fu: negotiation (finance) (議 yi: consult, talk over, discuss).
根據 gan geui: according to / based on / basis / foundation.
依照 yi jiu: according to / in light of (依 yi: rely on, be set in; consent, obey a wish).
提交 dai gaau: to submit (a report etc) / to refer (a problem) to sb.
單據 daan geui: receipts / invoices / transaction records. 向 heung: towards / to face / to turn towards / direction / to support / to side with / shortly before / formerly / always / all along.
履行 leui haang: to fulfill (one's obligations) / to carry out (a task) / to implement (an agreement) / to perform.
不得 bat dak: must not / may not / not to be allowed / cannot.
追索 cheui sok: to demand payment / to extort / to trace / to seek / to pursue / to explore.


2、具有不可撤銷性。 這是指自開立信用證之日起,開證行就受到其條款和承諾的約束。如遇要撤銷或修改,在受益人向通知修改的銀行表示接受該修改之前,原信用證的條款對受益人依然有效。當然,在徵得開證行、保兌行和信用證受益人同意的情況下,即使是不可撤銷信用證也是可以撤銷和修改的。

即期信用證(L/C at sight)



即指開證行或付款行收到符合信用證條款的跟單匯票或裝運單據後,立即履行付款義務的信用證。其特點是受益人收匯安全迅速,有利於資金周轉。即期信用證又可分為單到付款信用證和電匯索償條款信用證(L/C with T/T Reimbursement Clause)兩種。前者是指開證行或其指定付款行一旦收到符合信用證規定的匯票和單據,便立即付款,開證人也應於單到立即向開證行付款贖單;後者是指開證行將最後審單付款的權利交給議付行,只要議付行審單無誤,在對受益人付款的同時,即以電報或電傳向開證行或其指定付款行索償,開證行或其指定付款行接到通知後立即以電匯方式向議付行償付。使用電匯索償條款信用證,比一般即期信用證收匯快,通常只需2-3天時間,有時當天即可收回貨款。即期信用證:即信用證規定受益人簽發即期信用證。另外信用證上規定免除受益人簽發匯票權憑貨運單據即可要求銀行立即付款的信用證亦屬於即期信用證。即期信用證付款時間為:銀行收到單據後5個工作日內。





進出口貿易的支付方式中, L/C at sight是什麼意思?



進出口貿易 jeun cheut hau mau yi: import and export commerce.


国际贸易(International Trade,也称世界贸易、进出口贸易)



进出口贸易 - 产生


与对外贸易的区别   对外贸易是指一国(或地区)同其他国家(或地区)所进行的商品、技术和服务的交换活动。因此,提到对外贸易时要指明特定的国家。如中国的对外贸易等;某些岛国如英国、日本等也称对外贸易为海外贸易。 [與對外貿易的區別 對外貿易是指一國(或地區)同其他國家(或地區)所進行的商品、技術和服務的交換活動。因此,提到對外貿易時要指明特定的國家。如中國的對外貿易等;某些島國如英國、日本等也稱對外貿易為海外貿易。] 分类 [



1、 (import Trade):將其他國家的商品或服務引進到本國市場銷售。
2、(Export Trade):將本國的商品或服務輸出到其他國家市場銷售。
3、(Transit Trade):A國的商品經過C國境內運至B國市場銷售,對C國而言就是過境貿易。由於過境貿易對國際貿易的阻礙作用,目前,WTO成員國之間互不從事過境貿易。進口貿易和出口貿易是就每筆交易的雙方而言,對於賣方而言,就是出口貿易,對於買方而言,就是進口貿易。此外輸入本國的商品再輸出時,成為複出口;輸出國外的商品在輸入本國時,稱為複進口。


1、(Visible Trade):有實物形態的商品的進出口。例如,機器、設備、家具等都是有實物形態的商品,這些商品的進出口稱為有形貿易。
2、(Invisible Trade):沒有實物形態的技術和服務的進出口。專利使用權的轉讓、旅遊、金融保險企業跨國提供服務等都是沒有實物形態的商品,其進出口稱為無形貿易。三、按生產國和消費國在貿易中的關係國際貿易可分為
1、(Direct Trade):指商品生產國與商品消費國不通過第三國進行買賣商品的行為。貿易的出口國方面稱為直接出口,進口國方面稱為直接進口。
2(Indirect Trade)和(Transit Trade):指商品生產國與商品消費國通過第三國進行買賣商品的行為,間接貿易中的生產國稱為間接出口國,消費國稱為間接進口國,而第三國則是轉口貿易國,第三國所從事的就是轉口貿易。  



國際貿易地理方向亦稱“國際貿易地區分佈”(International Trade by Region),用以表明世界各洲、各國或各個區域集團在國際貿易中所佔的地位。計算各國在國際貿易中的比重,既可以計算各國的進、出口額在世界進、出口總額中的比重,也可以計算各國的進出口總額在國際貿易總額(世界進出口總額)中的比重。由於對外貿易是一國與別國之間發生的商品交換,因此,把對外貿易按商品分類和按國家分類結合起來分析研究,即把商品結構和地理方向的研究結合起來,可以查明一國出口中不同類別商品的去向和進口中不同類別商品的來源,具有重要意義。


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