Friday, October 19, 2018


動脈血管硬化 'dung mak huet gun ngaan faa'; arteriosclerosis.

動脈 'dung mak': artery.
動 'dung': move, happen; movement, action.
脈 'mak': blood vessels, veins, arteries.

血管 'huet gun': vein / artery.
血 'huet': blood; radical number 143.
管 'gun': pipe, tube, duct; woodwind music.

硬化 'ngaan faa': to harden / hardening / sclerosis / fig. to become rigid or inflexible in opinions / to ossify.
硬 'ngaan': hard, firm, strong; obstinate.
化'faa': change, convert, reform; -ize.

冠狀動脈疾病 'gun jong dung mak jat beng'; coronary artery disease.

冠狀動脈 'gun jong dung mak': coronary artery.
冠 'gun': cap, crown, headgear.
狀 'jong': form; appearance; shape; official.
動 'dung': move, happen; movement, action.
脈 'mak': blood vessels, veins, arteries.

疾病 'jat beng': disease / sickness / ailment.
疾 'jat': illness, disease, sickness; to hate.
病 'bing', 'beng': illness, sickness, disease.

心搏停止 'sam bok ting ji': cardiac arrest.

心搏 'sam bok': heartbeat / pulse.
心 'sam': heart; mind, intelligence; soul.
搏 'bok': seize; spring upon; strike.

停止 'ting ji': to stop / to halt / to cease.
停 'ting': stop, suspend, delay; suitable.
止 'zi': stop, halt, desist; detain.

心肌梗塞 'sam gei gang sak'; myocardial infarction / heart attack.

心 'sam': heart; mind, intelligence; soul.
肌 'gei': muscle tissue; meat on bones.
梗 'gang', 'gwaang': stem of flower, branch of plant.
塞 'coi','sak': stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress.