Monday, December 2, 2013


GAN CHOU: From 贛州 (Wikipedia).

gam: regionomen: Jiangsi (江西省 gong sai saang), also given as 灨 (gam), that being the name of the dominant river.
簡稱爲虔 gaan ching wai kin: the abbreviated form is 'Qian'.
kin: to act with respect.
所以習慣叫贛南 so yi jaapgwaan kiu gamnaam: thus commonly called 'Gannan'.
習慣 jaap gwaan: the usual practice, common habitus.
jaap: practice. Wing flapping.
gwaan: habit, custom; usual practice.

秦始皇卅三年(前214年)設南壄縣(壄讀野;粵拼:naam4 je5 jyun6);三國東吳嘉禾五年(236年)置廬陵南部都尉,治雩都(雩讀余);晉太康三年(282年)改置南康郡,永和五年(349年)治所由雩都搬去贛縣(今日贛州市區);隋開皇九年(589年)改名做虔州;宋紹興廿三年(1153年)改名爲贛州,之後個名一路保存落來。

卅: 30
chit: Set up, display. Found, establish. Supposing.
ye: Variant of 野 field, plain, moorland.
置廬陵南部都尉 ji lou ling naam pou dou wai: 'install hut (or mound) hill (or mausoleum) southern area metropolis a military rank'.
治雩 ji yiu: instituted a summer sacrifice for rain.
置南康郡 ji naam hong gwan: laid out the Nankang ('southern healthy') administrative region.
ji: rule, manage, control; governance.
so: place, small lodging; gramm adjunct, relative clause.
改名 goi meng: change name.
之後個名一路保存落來: jihau go meng yat lok po-chai lok loi. Thereafter the name was kept as Lokloi (?!?).

In the thirty third year of the Jin Dynasty, it was founded as 'South Moors Prefecture' (for 壄 read 野: naam ye yuen); during the Three Kingdoms period, Chan Kaa Muk fifth year, while Lou Ling was military commander of the southern district (speculative translation, based on phrasing and occurance of surname 廬), a summer sacrifice for rain was instituted (for 雩 read 余 yu: surplus); in the third year of Jin Taikang the Nankang district was laid out; Yungwo fifth year as a logical progression the rain sacrifice was moved to Gan County (was promoted county-wide; again a speculative translation). In the ninth year of Sui (in the 9th. year of the first emperor of Sui), the name (of Gan) was changed to 'Kin'; Sung Chiu Heng's twenty third year name changed to Gan Zhou, which is how ever since the name has come down to us.

Note: 一路保存落來 (one route protect-preserve downflow come) should probably be read as a colloquialism meaning 'has since then come down to the present without deviation'.

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