I was actually looking for something else when I found this. But I remembered it.
This is NOT the 四季歌 from the movie 馬路天使 as sung by Chou Hsuan (周璇).
To hear it, look up 黄耀明 (Anthony Wong) on Youtube.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
GAN CHOU: From 贛州 (Wikipedia).
贛 gam: regionomen: Jiangsi (江西省 gong sai saang), also given as 灨 (gam), that being the name of the dominant river.
簡稱爲虔 gaan ching wai kin: the abbreviated form is 'Qian'.
虔 kin: to act with respect.
所以習慣叫贛南 so yi jaapgwaan kiu gamnaam: thus commonly called 'Gannan'.
習慣 jaap gwaan: the usual practice, common habitus.
習 jaap: practice. Wing flapping.
慣 gwaan: habit, custom; usual practice.
秦始皇卅三年(前214年)設南壄縣(壄讀野;粵拼:naam4 je5 jyun6);三國東吳嘉禾五年(236年)置廬陵南部都尉,治雩都(雩讀余);晉太康三年(282年)改置南康郡,永和五年(349年)治所由雩都搬去贛縣(今日贛州市區);隋開皇九年(589年)改名做虔州;宋紹興廿三年(1153年)改名爲贛州,之後個名一路保存落來。
卅: 30
設 chit: Set up, display. Found, establish. Supposing.
壄 ye: Variant of 野 field, plain, moorland.
置廬陵南部都尉 ji lou ling naam pou dou wai: 'install hut (or mound) hill (or mausoleum) southern area metropolis a military rank'.
治雩 ji yiu: instituted a summer sacrifice for rain.
置南康郡 ji naam hong gwan: laid out the Nankang ('southern healthy') administrative region.
治 ji: rule, manage, control; governance.
所 so: place, small lodging; gramm adjunct, relative clause.
改名 goi meng: change name.
之後個名一路保存落來: jihau go meng yat lok po-chai lok loi. Thereafter the name was kept as Lokloi (?!?).
In the thirty third year of the Jin Dynasty, it was founded as 'South Moors Prefecture' (for 壄 read 野: naam ye yuen); during the Three Kingdoms period, Chan Kaa Muk fifth year, while Lou Ling was military commander of the southern district (speculative translation, based on phrasing and occurance of surname 廬), a summer sacrifice for rain was instituted (for 雩 read 余 yu: surplus); in the third year of Jin Taikang the Nankang district was laid out; Yungwo fifth year as a logical progression the rain sacrifice was moved to Gan County (was promoted county-wide; again a speculative translation). In the ninth year of Sui (in the 9th. year of the first emperor of Sui), the name (of Gan) was changed to 'Kin'; Sung Chiu Heng's twenty third year name changed to Gan Zhou, which is how ever since the name has come down to us.
Note: 一路保存落來 (one route protect-preserve downflow come) should probably be read as a colloquialism meaning 'has since then come down to the present without deviation'.
贛 gam: regionomen: Jiangsi (江西省 gong sai saang), also given as 灨 (gam), that being the name of the dominant river.
簡稱爲虔 gaan ching wai kin: the abbreviated form is 'Qian'.
虔 kin: to act with respect.
所以習慣叫贛南 so yi jaapgwaan kiu gamnaam: thus commonly called 'Gannan'.
習慣 jaap gwaan: the usual practice, common habitus.
習 jaap: practice. Wing flapping.
慣 gwaan: habit, custom; usual practice.
秦始皇卅三年(前214年)設南壄縣(壄讀野;粵拼:naam4 je5 jyun6);三國東吳嘉禾五年(236年)置廬陵南部都尉,治雩都(雩讀余);晉太康三年(282年)改置南康郡,永和五年(349年)治所由雩都搬去贛縣(今日贛州市區);隋開皇九年(589年)改名做虔州;宋紹興廿三年(1153年)改名爲贛州,之後個名一路保存落來。
卅: 30
設 chit: Set up, display. Found, establish. Supposing.
壄 ye: Variant of 野 field, plain, moorland.
置廬陵南部都尉 ji lou ling naam pou dou wai: 'install hut (or mound) hill (or mausoleum) southern area metropolis a military rank'.
治雩 ji yiu: instituted a summer sacrifice for rain.
置南康郡 ji naam hong gwan: laid out the Nankang ('southern healthy') administrative region.
治 ji: rule, manage, control; governance.
所 so: place, small lodging; gramm adjunct, relative clause.
改名 goi meng: change name.
之後個名一路保存落來: jihau go meng yat lok po-chai lok loi. Thereafter the name was kept as Lokloi (?!?).
In the thirty third year of the Jin Dynasty, it was founded as 'South Moors Prefecture' (for 壄 read 野: naam ye yuen); during the Three Kingdoms period, Chan Kaa Muk fifth year, while Lou Ling was military commander of the southern district (speculative translation, based on phrasing and occurance of surname 廬), a summer sacrifice for rain was instituted (for 雩 read 余 yu: surplus); in the third year of Jin Taikang the Nankang district was laid out; Yungwo fifth year as a logical progression the rain sacrifice was moved to Gan County (was promoted county-wide; again a speculative translation). In the ninth year of Sui (in the 9th. year of the first emperor of Sui), the name (of Gan) was changed to 'Kin'; Sung Chiu Heng's twenty third year name changed to Gan Zhou, which is how ever since the name has come down to us.
Note: 一路保存落來 (one route protect-preserve downflow come) should probably be read as a colloquialism meaning 'has since then come down to the present without deviation'.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Textual mementoes of a black era
敢想敢干 Gam seung, gam gon.
"Dare to think and dare to act"
百花齊放、百家爭鳴 Baak faa jai fong, baak gaa jaang ming.
"Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend"
百花運動 Baak faa wan dung.
Hundred Flowers Movement.
破四舊 Po sei gau.
"Destroy the four olds"
[Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas]
造反有理 / 革命無罪、造反有理 Chou faan yau lei / Gaak meng mou cheui, chou faan yau lei.
"To rebell is justified"
打倒四人幫 Daa dou sei yan pong.
"Destroy the gang of four"
改革開放 Goi gaak hoi fong.
"Reform and open to the outside world"
實事求是 Sat si kau si.
"Seek truth from facts"
社會主義好 Se wui chyu yi hou.
"Socialism is good"
馬列主義大普及 Maa laat chyu yi daai pou gap.
"Widely disseminate Marxism-Leninism"
工業學大慶 Gung yip hok daai ying.
"Learn industry from Daqing"
全世界人民一定胜利 Chuen sai gaai yan man yat ding sing lei.
"The people of the world will certainly triumph"
全世界無產者聯合起來 Chuen sai gaai mou chaan je luen gap hei loi.
"Proletarians of the world, unite!"
反右運動 Faan yau wan dung.
Anti-rightist movement
中共中央政治局 Jung gung jung yeung jing chi guk.
中國共產黨中央委員會 Jung gwok gung chaan dong jung yeung wai yuen wui.
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
大躍進 Daai yeuk chyun
Great leap forward
炮打司令部 Baau daa si ling bou.
Bombard the headquarters
批鬥大會 Pai dau daai wui.
Struggle sessions
階級敵人 Gaai kap dik yan.
Class enemies
走資派 / 走資本主義道路的當權派 Jau ji paai / Jau chi pun chyu yi dou lou dik dong kuen paai.
Capitalist roader
資本主義 Chi pun chyu yi.
當權派 Dong kuen paai.
走狗 Jau kau.
Running dog
敢想敢干 Gam seung, gam gon.
"Dare to think and dare to act"
百花齊放、百家爭鳴 Baak faa jai fong, baak gaa jaang ming.
"Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend"
百花運動 Baak faa wan dung.
Hundred Flowers Movement.
破四舊 Po sei gau.
"Destroy the four olds"
[Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas]
造反有理 / 革命無罪、造反有理 Chou faan yau lei / Gaak meng mou cheui, chou faan yau lei.
"To rebell is justified"
打倒四人幫 Daa dou sei yan pong.
"Destroy the gang of four"
改革開放 Goi gaak hoi fong.
"Reform and open to the outside world"
實事求是 Sat si kau si.
"Seek truth from facts"
社會主義好 Se wui chyu yi hou.
"Socialism is good"
馬列主義大普及 Maa laat chyu yi daai pou gap.
"Widely disseminate Marxism-Leninism"
工業學大慶 Gung yip hok daai ying.
"Learn industry from Daqing"
全世界人民一定胜利 Chuen sai gaai yan man yat ding sing lei.
"The people of the world will certainly triumph"
全世界無產者聯合起來 Chuen sai gaai mou chaan je luen gap hei loi.
"Proletarians of the world, unite!"
反右運動 Faan yau wan dung.
Anti-rightist movement
中共中央政治局 Jung gung jung yeung jing chi guk.
中國共產黨中央委員會 Jung gwok gung chaan dong jung yeung wai yuen wui.
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
大躍進 Daai yeuk chyun
Great leap forward
炮打司令部 Baau daa si ling bou.
Bombard the headquarters
批鬥大會 Pai dau daai wui.
Struggle sessions
階級敵人 Gaai kap dik yan.
Class enemies
走資派 / 走資本主義道路的當權派 Jau ji paai / Jau chi pun chyu yi dou lou dik dong kuen paai.
Capitalist roader
資本主義 Chi pun chyu yi.
當權派 Dong kuen paai.
走狗 Jau kau.
Running dog
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
From Wikipedia.
Language: 文言
李商隱 Lei seungyan.
字 ji: letter, character, word; courtesy name.
義山 yi saan: Li Shangyiin.
懷州 waai jau: Weizhou.
河內 ho nei: Henei, nowadays Qinyang (沁陽) in Henan (河南).
人 yan.
元 yuen.
和 wo.
八 baat.
年 nin.
生 saang
或 waak.
言 yan.
英國 ying gwok.
公世 gong sai.
勣 jik: merits, accomplishments.
之 ji.
裔孫 yeui suen: progeny and grand-descendents.
令 ling: command, order, allow. Magistrate.
狐 wu: fox.
楚 cho: ancient feudal state; distinct, clear, concise; bracken and shrub.
帥 seoi: handsome, graceful; commander.
河陽 ho yeung.
奇 gei: strange, odd.
其 kei: his, hers, theirs, its. That.
文 man: writing, literature.
使 sai: make, cause, enable; employ or use; envoy, legate.
與 yu: and with; to, for; same as as 歟 (particle of dubiousness).
諸子 chyu ji: the sages.
游 yau: to swim.
楚 cho.
徙 saai: move one's location, migrate.
天平 tin ping.
宣 suen: publicly announce, declare.
武 mo: martial.
皆 gaai: all, each, every.
表 biu: show, manifest, display.
署 chyu: public office.
巡 cheun: circuit, ronda.
官 gun: office.
開 hoi: open up, start, begin.
成 sing, seng: succeed, complete.
二 yi.
年 nin.
擢 jaak, jok: select.
進士 jeun si: highest civil service exam graduate.
進 jeun: advance, progress, enter.
第 dai.
調 diu: investigate, inquire into; argument, transfer; harmonize, reconcile.
弘 hong: enlarge, liberal, extensive; grand.
農 nung: agriculture.
尉 wai, wat: officer; military rank.
又 yau: once again, also.
試 si: examine, test; try.
拔萃 bat seui: to stand out; high level exam.
拔 bat: uproot, pull out.
萃 seui: densely, thick; collect together.
中選 jung suen: get position by passing exam; win election.
選 suen, syun: choose, select.
王 wong.
茂 mau: luxuriant, lush; talented.
元 yuen: primary.
鎮 jan: village, market town.
河陽 ho yeung.
愛 oi: love, be fond of.
其 gei.
才 choi: talent, ability.
表 biu: show, express, display.
掌 jueng: palm of hand; to hold, to wield.
書記 syu gei: secretary, clerk. 以 yi: thereby, therefore, according to, in accord with.
子 ji.
妻 chai: wife; to marry off a daughter.
之 ji.
得 dak: get, obtain; gain, catch; allow; permitted; grammatical particle.
侍 si: serve, attend upon; attend to.
御史 yü si: imperial censor.
御 yü, ngaa: drive, ride; chariot; manage.
史 si: history; chronicles, annals. 。
茂 mau.
元 yuen.
善 sin: good, virtuous; benevolent, kind.
李 lei.
德 tak: ethics, morality, virtue.
裕 yü: abundant, plentiful.
而 yi: and then, and yet, as well; because of.
牛 ngau.
李 lei.
黨人 dong yan: party member, partisan.
嗤 chi: scoff at, sneer, laugh at, ricule.
謫 jaak: censure, blame; disgrace, demote; punish. Send into internal exile at a distant posting in punishment.
商隱 seung yan.
以 yi.
為 wai: do, handle, manage, act; act for, act towards.
詭 gwai: deceit, crafty, sly; defraud.
薄 bok: thin, cold, weak; poor, stingy; indifferent.
無 mou: none, not any; without,
行 haang; row, series; enterprise, activity engaged upon; walk, traverse, behaviour, conduct; capable of, competent.
共 gung: shared, in common, together with, altogether.
排 paai: orderly, arranged, lined up; eliminate, drain; row, rank.
笮 jaak: slat supporting roof tiles.
之 ji.
茂元死 mau yuen si.
來 loi.
游 yau: roam, drift about, wander; swim.
京師 ging-si: national capital city (lit).
京 ging.
師 si.
久 gau: in a long time, long ago, after some time.
不 bat.
調 diu: transferred.
柳 lau: willow trees.
仲 jung.
郢 ying, ching: Ying, the ancient capital of 楚.
節 jit: knot, node, section; festival.
度 dok, dou: degree, system; methodology, manner; spend time, mark distance.
劍 gim: sword.
南 naam: south.
東 tung.
川 chuen.
辟 bik, pik: law, rule; develop; enlist, repell; monarch.
判官 pun gun: magistrate, jurist.
判 pun: judge, gauge; discriminate, determine.
檢校 gim gaau: verify, proof-read; redact.
檢 gim: examine.
校 gaau: school; field officer.
工部 gung bou: transport & irrigation ministry.
部 bou: part, section, division; office.
員 yun, yuen; wan: personnel, member of staff.
外 ngoi: outside.
員外 yuen-ngoi: landlord (arch.).
郎 lang: young gentleman, husband; a gallant; official.
府 fu: prefecture, prefectoral; official locus or residence; governmental.
罷 baa: cease, stop, finish.
客 haak: traveller, guest, customer, pilgrim.
滎陽 ying yueng: Xingyang in Henan.
大中十二年 daai jung sap yi nin.
卒 chuet, juet: soldier, servant; end, finally, at last; die.
年四十六 nin sei sap luk.
商隱 Seung yan.
初 cho: beginning, at first.
為 wai.
文 man.
瑰 gwai: fabulous, extraordinairy.
邁 maai: stride, step; outpace.
奇 gei: weird, odd.
古 gu: ancient, classical.
及 gap: extend, reach, up to.
在 choi.
令 ling: command, order; magistrate; allow.
狐 wu: fox.
楚 cho.
府 fu: seat of government.
楚 cho.
本 pun.
工 gung: work, labour, effort.
章 jueng: chapter, section; composition; clause; regulation, governmental order.
奏 jau: present a memorial to the emperor.
因 yan: cause, reason for, due to.
授 sau: teach, instruct; give, transmit, confer.
其 gei.
學 hok.
商隱 seung yan.
儷 lai: husband and wife, married couple.
偶 ngau: accidentally, coincidentally; image; match, mate.
長短 cheung dyun: duration; long and short, right and wrong, good and bad.
短 dyun (duen): short, brief; deficient, lacking.
而 yi.
繁縟 faan yuk: manifold, elaborate.
繁 faan: complex, difficult; complicated.
縟 yuk: decorative and elegant.
過 gwo: pass, go through, go across; time marker (completed action).
之 ji.
時 si.
溫 wan: lukewarm, tepid; warm.
庭 ting: courtyard, lawcourt; large hall.
筠 wan, gwan: bamboo skin. 段 dyun (duen): section, piece, division; period of time, length of tale or string, surname.
成 sing: complete.
式 sik: style, pattern, form, system.
俱 geui: entirely, altogether.
用 yung.
是 si.
相 seung: mutual, each other.
夸 kwaa: luxuriant, gorgeous.
號 hou: mark, sign, symbol, numeral.
三十六 saam sap luk.
體 tai: body, format; style, system; group, class.
文言 man yin: classical Chinese.
者 je: that which, whichever that, who.
古 gu: old, ancient.
中國 jung gwok.
書 syu: book, writing, epistle; style of writing.
其 gei.
言 yin: word, speech, say.
以 yi:
述 seut: narrate, state; to relate, to speak of, to tell.
志 ji: apsiration, ambition, purpose.
表情 biu ching: express feeling, facial expression.
者 je.
也 ya: final particle of affirmation or inclusionality.
先 sin.
民 man.
言語 yin yü: spoken language.
傳 chuen, chyun: propoagate, transmit.
乎 fu, wu: (particle like 於 or 于) in, at, from; final particle similar expressing doubt or astonishment.
口 hau: mouth, entrance; vocal.
耳 yi: only, merely; ear, handle.
至 ji: reach, arrive, the extreme.
結 git: knot, join, connect; bear fruit, result.
繩 sing: rope, cord; measure, restrain.
以 yi.
記 gei: record, remember.
事 si: affairs, business; matters, events.
日 yat: day, date; sun.
贅 jeui: unnecessary, superfluous, redundant: son-in-law living with his wife's parent.
是 si.
結 git.
繩 sing.
之 ji.
不足 pat jeui: insufficient, deficient, inadequate; unworthy.
足 juk, jeui: foot; attained, enough.
求 kau: beseech, request.
諸 jyu: several, various.
繪圖 kui tou: draw, to diagram or chart.
繪 kui: sraw, sketch, paint.
圖 tou: map, chart, picture.
繪圖 kui tou.
猶 yau: like, similar, just like, as.
逾 yiu (yü): go over, exceed.
而 yi.
創 chong: establish, create; cut, injure, knife stroke.
字 ji.
製 jai: make, manufacture, produce.
文 man.
金石 kam sek: hard objects upon which can be inscribed. Metal and stone.
竹帛 juk baak: soft surfaces upon which can be limned. Bamboo and silk.
載 joi: a year in record; carry, transport, convey.
之 ji.
自 ji.
劉 lau: destroy, slaughter.
漢 hon.
而 yi.
書 syu.
諸 chyu: all, various/
紙 ji: paper.
唐宋 tong sung: The tang and Sung era, 618 - 1279.
降 gong, hong: drop, fall, descend.
文士 man si: literati, the scholars.
崇 sung: esteem, honour, revere, venerate.
古 gu.
非 fei: not, in opposition to, unlike.
今 kam.
尚 seung: still, yet, fairly, rather.
先秦 sin cheun: pre-Qin; Chinese history before the Qin Dynasty.
古文 gu man: old language; classic literature.
規 kwai: rule, law, statute.
法 faat: laws, regualtions.
矩 geui: carpenter's square; drafting scale, rule.
繩 sing.
典 din: canon, documentation, scripture; reference.
模 mou: pattern, example; to imitate.
乃 naai: then, really, indeed; namely.
定 ding: set, fixed, settled, decided. 。
由 yau: for this reason.
是 si.
口述 hau seut: dictated, recounted orally.
述 suet: narrate, state, express.
耳聞 yi man: to hear about.
者 je.
雖 seui: although, even if.
變 bin: change, transform.
於 yü; wu: in, at, on; oh woe, alack.
百歲千載 baak seui chin joi: one hundred years of age and a thousand years of recorded time; a very long time; forever.
手 sau: hand.
書目 syu muk: booklist, bibiliography.
觀 gun: see, observe.
者 je.
猶 yau: just like, similar to.
通 tung: pass through, communicate.
前後 chin hau: from beginning to end.
貫 gun: pierce, pass through, be strung together; a string of cash.
延 yin: prolong, extend; delay.
三代 saam doi: third generation. 。
唯 wai: yes, only, thus then.
文言 man yin: classical Chinese.
非 fei.
創 chong: wound, cut, injury.
於 yü: in, at, on.
一舉 yat geui: action, at one stroke, in one move.
舉 geui: raise, lift up, move something. Recommend.
而得 yi tak.
所 so: place, locus; thus.
式 sik.
所 so.
尊 jyun, jeun: respect, venerate, honour.
莫衷一是 mok chong yat si: still a matter of discussion, no decision yet possible.
莫 mou, mok: not possible, cannot; is not.
衷 chong: heart, heartfelt; fundamentally.
時 si.
比 bei, pei.
燕 yin: the swallow (bird); enjoy; name of several ancient states throughout history.
越 yuet: exceed, go beyond; boundary; Viet, Yuet.
NOTE: Li Shanyin, Wenyen.
Language: 文言
李商隱 Lei seungyan.
字 ji: letter, character, word; courtesy name.
義山 yi saan: Li Shangyiin.
懷州 waai jau: Weizhou.
河內 ho nei: Henei, nowadays Qinyang (沁陽) in Henan (河南).
人 yan.
元 yuen.
和 wo.
八 baat.
年 nin.
生 saang
或 waak.
言 yan.
英國 ying gwok.
公世 gong sai.
勣 jik: merits, accomplishments.
之 ji.
裔孫 yeui suen: progeny and grand-descendents.
令 ling: command, order, allow. Magistrate.
狐 wu: fox.
楚 cho: ancient feudal state; distinct, clear, concise; bracken and shrub.
帥 seoi: handsome, graceful; commander.
河陽 ho yeung.
奇 gei: strange, odd.
其 kei: his, hers, theirs, its. That.
文 man: writing, literature.
使 sai: make, cause, enable; employ or use; envoy, legate.
與 yu: and with; to, for; same as as 歟 (particle of dubiousness).
諸子 chyu ji: the sages.
游 yau: to swim.
楚 cho.
徙 saai: move one's location, migrate.
天平 tin ping.
宣 suen: publicly announce, declare.
武 mo: martial.
皆 gaai: all, each, every.
表 biu: show, manifest, display.
署 chyu: public office.
巡 cheun: circuit, ronda.
官 gun: office.
開 hoi: open up, start, begin.
成 sing, seng: succeed, complete.
二 yi.
年 nin.
擢 jaak, jok: select.
進士 jeun si: highest civil service exam graduate.
進 jeun: advance, progress, enter.
第 dai.
調 diu: investigate, inquire into; argument, transfer; harmonize, reconcile.
弘 hong: enlarge, liberal, extensive; grand.
農 nung: agriculture.
尉 wai, wat: officer; military rank.
又 yau: once again, also.
試 si: examine, test; try.
拔萃 bat seui: to stand out; high level exam.
拔 bat: uproot, pull out.
萃 seui: densely, thick; collect together.
中選 jung suen: get position by passing exam; win election.
選 suen, syun: choose, select.
王 wong.
茂 mau: luxuriant, lush; talented.
元 yuen: primary.
鎮 jan: village, market town.
河陽 ho yeung.
愛 oi: love, be fond of.
其 gei.
才 choi: talent, ability.
表 biu: show, express, display.
掌 jueng: palm of hand; to hold, to wield.
書記 syu gei: secretary, clerk. 以 yi: thereby, therefore, according to, in accord with.
子 ji.
妻 chai: wife; to marry off a daughter.
之 ji.
得 dak: get, obtain; gain, catch; allow; permitted; grammatical particle.
侍 si: serve, attend upon; attend to.
御史 yü si: imperial censor.
御 yü, ngaa: drive, ride; chariot; manage.
史 si: history; chronicles, annals. 。
茂 mau.
元 yuen.
善 sin: good, virtuous; benevolent, kind.
李 lei.
德 tak: ethics, morality, virtue.
裕 yü: abundant, plentiful.
而 yi: and then, and yet, as well; because of.
牛 ngau.
李 lei.
黨人 dong yan: party member, partisan.
嗤 chi: scoff at, sneer, laugh at, ricule.
謫 jaak: censure, blame; disgrace, demote; punish. Send into internal exile at a distant posting in punishment.
商隱 seung yan.
以 yi.
為 wai: do, handle, manage, act; act for, act towards.
詭 gwai: deceit, crafty, sly; defraud.
薄 bok: thin, cold, weak; poor, stingy; indifferent.
無 mou: none, not any; without,
行 haang; row, series; enterprise, activity engaged upon; walk, traverse, behaviour, conduct; capable of, competent.
共 gung: shared, in common, together with, altogether.
排 paai: orderly, arranged, lined up; eliminate, drain; row, rank.
笮 jaak: slat supporting roof tiles.
之 ji.
茂元死 mau yuen si.
來 loi.
游 yau: roam, drift about, wander; swim.
京師 ging-si: national capital city (lit).
京 ging.
師 si.
久 gau: in a long time, long ago, after some time.
不 bat.
調 diu: transferred.
柳 lau: willow trees.
仲 jung.
郢 ying, ching: Ying, the ancient capital of 楚.
節 jit: knot, node, section; festival.
度 dok, dou: degree, system; methodology, manner; spend time, mark distance.
劍 gim: sword.
南 naam: south.
東 tung.
川 chuen.
辟 bik, pik: law, rule; develop; enlist, repell; monarch.
判官 pun gun: magistrate, jurist.
判 pun: judge, gauge; discriminate, determine.
檢校 gim gaau: verify, proof-read; redact.
檢 gim: examine.
校 gaau: school; field officer.
工部 gung bou: transport & irrigation ministry.
部 bou: part, section, division; office.
員 yun, yuen; wan: personnel, member of staff.
外 ngoi: outside.
員外 yuen-ngoi: landlord (arch.).
郎 lang: young gentleman, husband; a gallant; official.
府 fu: prefecture, prefectoral; official locus or residence; governmental.
罷 baa: cease, stop, finish.
客 haak: traveller, guest, customer, pilgrim.
滎陽 ying yueng: Xingyang in Henan.
大中十二年 daai jung sap yi nin.
卒 chuet, juet: soldier, servant; end, finally, at last; die.
年四十六 nin sei sap luk.
商隱 Seung yan.
初 cho: beginning, at first.
為 wai.
文 man.
瑰 gwai: fabulous, extraordinairy.
邁 maai: stride, step; outpace.
奇 gei: weird, odd.
古 gu: ancient, classical.
及 gap: extend, reach, up to.
在 choi.
令 ling: command, order; magistrate; allow.
狐 wu: fox.
楚 cho.
府 fu: seat of government.
楚 cho.
本 pun.
工 gung: work, labour, effort.
章 jueng: chapter, section; composition; clause; regulation, governmental order.
奏 jau: present a memorial to the emperor.
因 yan: cause, reason for, due to.
授 sau: teach, instruct; give, transmit, confer.
其 gei.
學 hok.
商隱 seung yan.
儷 lai: husband and wife, married couple.
偶 ngau: accidentally, coincidentally; image; match, mate.
長短 cheung dyun: duration; long and short, right and wrong, good and bad.
短 dyun (duen): short, brief; deficient, lacking.
而 yi.
繁縟 faan yuk: manifold, elaborate.
繁 faan: complex, difficult; complicated.
縟 yuk: decorative and elegant.
過 gwo: pass, go through, go across; time marker (completed action).
之 ji.
時 si.
溫 wan: lukewarm, tepid; warm.
庭 ting: courtyard, lawcourt; large hall.
筠 wan, gwan: bamboo skin. 段 dyun (duen): section, piece, division; period of time, length of tale or string, surname.
成 sing: complete.
式 sik: style, pattern, form, system.
俱 geui: entirely, altogether.
用 yung.
是 si.
相 seung: mutual, each other.
夸 kwaa: luxuriant, gorgeous.
號 hou: mark, sign, symbol, numeral.
三十六 saam sap luk.
體 tai: body, format; style, system; group, class.
文言 man yin: classical Chinese.
者 je: that which, whichever that, who.
古 gu: old, ancient.
中國 jung gwok.
書 syu: book, writing, epistle; style of writing.
其 gei.
言 yin: word, speech, say.
以 yi:
述 seut: narrate, state; to relate, to speak of, to tell.
志 ji: apsiration, ambition, purpose.
表情 biu ching: express feeling, facial expression.
者 je.
也 ya: final particle of affirmation or inclusionality.
先 sin.
民 man.
言語 yin yü: spoken language.
傳 chuen, chyun: propoagate, transmit.
乎 fu, wu: (particle like 於 or 于) in, at, from; final particle similar expressing doubt or astonishment.
口 hau: mouth, entrance; vocal.
耳 yi: only, merely; ear, handle.
至 ji: reach, arrive, the extreme.
結 git: knot, join, connect; bear fruit, result.
繩 sing: rope, cord; measure, restrain.
以 yi.
記 gei: record, remember.
事 si: affairs, business; matters, events.
日 yat: day, date; sun.
贅 jeui: unnecessary, superfluous, redundant: son-in-law living with his wife's parent.
是 si.
結 git.
繩 sing.
之 ji.
不足 pat jeui: insufficient, deficient, inadequate; unworthy.
足 juk, jeui: foot; attained, enough.
求 kau: beseech, request.
諸 jyu: several, various.
繪圖 kui tou: draw, to diagram or chart.
繪 kui: sraw, sketch, paint.
圖 tou: map, chart, picture.
繪圖 kui tou.
猶 yau: like, similar, just like, as.
逾 yiu (yü): go over, exceed.
而 yi.
創 chong: establish, create; cut, injure, knife stroke.
字 ji.
製 jai: make, manufacture, produce.
文 man.
金石 kam sek: hard objects upon which can be inscribed. Metal and stone.
竹帛 juk baak: soft surfaces upon which can be limned. Bamboo and silk.
載 joi: a year in record; carry, transport, convey.
之 ji.
自 ji.
劉 lau: destroy, slaughter.
漢 hon.
而 yi.
書 syu.
諸 chyu: all, various/
紙 ji: paper.
唐宋 tong sung: The tang and Sung era, 618 - 1279.
降 gong, hong: drop, fall, descend.
文士 man si: literati, the scholars.
崇 sung: esteem, honour, revere, venerate.
古 gu.
非 fei: not, in opposition to, unlike.
今 kam.
尚 seung: still, yet, fairly, rather.
先秦 sin cheun: pre-Qin; Chinese history before the Qin Dynasty.
古文 gu man: old language; classic literature.
規 kwai: rule, law, statute.
法 faat: laws, regualtions.
矩 geui: carpenter's square; drafting scale, rule.
繩 sing.
典 din: canon, documentation, scripture; reference.
模 mou: pattern, example; to imitate.
乃 naai: then, really, indeed; namely.
定 ding: set, fixed, settled, decided. 。
由 yau: for this reason.
是 si.
口述 hau seut: dictated, recounted orally.
述 suet: narrate, state, express.
耳聞 yi man: to hear about.
者 je.
雖 seui: although, even if.
變 bin: change, transform.
於 yü; wu: in, at, on; oh woe, alack.
百歲千載 baak seui chin joi: one hundred years of age and a thousand years of recorded time; a very long time; forever.
手 sau: hand.
書目 syu muk: booklist, bibiliography.
觀 gun: see, observe.
者 je.
猶 yau: just like, similar to.
通 tung: pass through, communicate.
前後 chin hau: from beginning to end.
貫 gun: pierce, pass through, be strung together; a string of cash.
延 yin: prolong, extend; delay.
三代 saam doi: third generation. 。
唯 wai: yes, only, thus then.
文言 man yin: classical Chinese.
非 fei.
創 chong: wound, cut, injury.
於 yü: in, at, on.
一舉 yat geui: action, at one stroke, in one move.
舉 geui: raise, lift up, move something. Recommend.
而得 yi tak.
所 so: place, locus; thus.
式 sik.
所 so.
尊 jyun, jeun: respect, venerate, honour.
莫衷一是 mok chong yat si: still a matter of discussion, no decision yet possible.
莫 mou, mok: not possible, cannot; is not.
衷 chong: heart, heartfelt; fundamentally.
時 si.
比 bei, pei.
燕 yin: the swallow (bird); enjoy; name of several ancient states throughout history.
越 yuet: exceed, go beyond; boundary; Viet, Yuet.
NOTE: Li Shanyin, Wenyen.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Jun ware: 鈞窯
Ding porcelain: 定瓷
Ru ware: 汝窯
Guan ware: 官窯
Ge ware: 哥窯
Celadon: 青磁
Jian ware: 建陽窯
Blue-and white: 青花瓷
Jing De Zhen: 景德鎮
Jun ware (鈞窯): a distinct blue celadon-type with opalescence caused by variations in the kiln-temperature during a slow heating-up and gradual cooling-off period in the firing, allowing the glaze to remain viscous for a long time. As with Celadon, there is iron in the material, which gives the blueish hues, and often traces of copper which render purplish streaks.
[鈞窯 gwan yiu. 鈞 gwan: thirty catty (斤) measure. 窯 yiu: kiln, oven.
斤 gan: catty; approx one pound US. Shrewd. Second person singular honorific. 擔 daam: one hundred catties; a carrying pole load. 兩 leung: tael; one sixteenth of a catty, though in modern usage an ounce, set at fifty grammes.]
Ding porcelain (定瓷): Ivory or cream-hued products famous from the Tang Dynasty (唐代)onwards.
[定瓷 deng chi. 定 deng, ding: fixed, assured. Decide, ascertain, settle. 瓷 chi: porcelain.
唐 tong: vain bragging, posturing.
唐代 tong doi: Tang dynasty 618 - 907. 大唐 daai tong: Tang Dynasty.
長安 cheung on: Chang'an: 'long peace', name of Tang capital city.
唐詩 tong si: poems from the Tang period.
李白 lei baak: Li Po, 701 - 762. 李 lei: wild plum. Judge.
杜甫 dou fu: Du Fu, 712 - 770. 杜 dou: stop, restrict, cause to halt. 甫 fu, pou: distance of ten li. Begin, man, father.
孟浩然 maang hou yin: Meng Haoran, 689 - 740. 孟 maang: first in series. Prominent. 浩 hou: great, abundant, vast. 然 yin: most assuredly, indeed!
白居易 baak geui yik: Bai Juyi, 772 - 846. 居 geui: live, dwell, reside. Stay at. 易 yi, yik: changes; easy.
王維 wong wai: Wang Wei, 701 - 761. 維 wai: maintain, safeguard, preserve; continue tradition.
杜牧 dou muk: Du Mu, 803 - 852. 牧 muk: breed livestock, tend cattle.
黃鶴樓 wong hok lau: Yellow Crane Tower, a famous landmark mentioned in a poem by 崔顥 (died 754), (cite: 人去樓空' the people have gone and the tower is empty'; the past will not return).
崔 cheui: high, lofty, supreme. 顥 hou: luminous, hoary.
Note: the Yellow Crane Tower is also the location from whence Li Po famously bade farewell to Meng Haoran as mentioned in this quatrain: 故人西辭黃鶴樓,煙花三月下揚州;孤帆遠影碧空盡,惟見長江天際流。 "Gu yan sai chi wong hok lau, yin faa saam yuet haa yeung jau; gu faan yuen ying bik hung jeun, wai kin cheung gong tin jai lau."
Further random mentions:
蘇軾 sou sik: Su Shi, 1037 - 1101, also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡, one of the three Su essayists and literateurs (三蘇).
蘇 sou: revive, ressurect. Soviet. 軾 sik: bar at the front of a sedan chair; lean-upon, support (noun).
陸羽 luk yü: Lu Yu, 733 - 804. Famous tea author. 陸 luk: land, continent. Realm. 羽 yü: feather, plume. Mnemonic for the scholars, esp. in Confucian ceremonial.
韓愈 hon yü: Han Yu, 768 - 824. Famous essayist and poet. 韓 hon: fence. Korea. 愈 yü: ever more, even more. Continually more.
琵琶行 pei paa haang: 'song of the lute' - famous poem by Bai Juyi (白居易).
韃靼 taat daat: tatars; the characters are purely phonetic. Nowadays called 塔塔.
唐末 tong mut: the final years of tang, from the end of the ninth century onwards.
張旭 cheung yuk: Chang Xu, famous poet and calligrapher known for his grass script (草書). 張 cheung: stretch, expand. 旭 yuk: sunrising, brilliant. Radiance.
唐宋八大家 tong sung baat daai ga: the eight famous exemplars of tang and Sung dynasty essays; 韓愈 (Han Yu), 柳宗元 (Liu Zongyuan), 歐陽修 (Ouyang Xiu), 蘇洵 (Su Xuan), 蘇軾 (Su Shi), 蘇轍 (Su Zhe), 王安石 (Wang Anshi), and 曾鞏 (Zeng Gong).
修 sau: decorate, embellish; repair, fix, build. Cultivate literature. Write. Study.
蘇洵 sou seun: Su Xuan, 1009 - 1066; father of 蘇軾 and 蘇轍.
蘇軾 sou sik: Su Dongpo, 1037 - 1101; sou tung po (東坡 eastern slope).
蘇轍 sou chit: Su Zhe, 1039 - 1112. 轍 chit: wagon ruts.
曾鞏 chang gung: Zeng Gong, 1019 - 1083. 曾 chang, jang: already. Past tense marker. 鞏 gung: bound, secured; firm.
楊玉環 yeung yuk waan: Yang Yuhuan, 719 - 756; also known as Yang Kueifei (楊貴妃), the chubby temptress whose machinations as imperial consort wrecked the realm. Strangled by the army during the Anlushan rebellion (安史之亂).
歐陽詢 au yeung suen: Ouyang Xun, one of the four first greats among the Tang poets (唐初四大家).
柳宗元 lau jung yuen; Liu Zongyuan, 773 - 819; tang literateur, proponent of the classical writing style (古文運動, 復古). 女皇帝 neui wong dai: empress; referring to Wu Zetian (武則天 mou jak tin), 624 - 705, in power 690 - 705.
曌 jiu: grapheme invented as personal name by Wu Zetian.
武 mou: martial, warlike. 則 jak: rule, law, regulation.
卿 hing: noble, high-ranking official. Term of married endearment. term used by the emperor for subjects.
總監 jung gaam: commissioner, local governor. 總 jung: altogether, in toto. 監 gaam: supervise, control.
三藏 saam jong: Tripitaka, Bhuddist scholar who travelled to India.
藏 jong: hide, conceal, store up. Book collection.
李商隱 lei sueng yan: Li Shangyin, 813 - 858. 隱 yan: hide, conceal.
唐玄宗 tong yün chung: Emperor Hsuan Tsung, 685 - 762, rein 712 - 756.
玄 yün: deep, profound. 宗 chung: lineage, ancestral.
Ru ware (汝窯): Beautiful pale blue crackly glaze with hue variations. The iron oxide in the glaze becomes greenish and blueish when fired in a reducing atmosphere. Ru wares vary from off-white to beautiful pale blues, with brownish crackling due to the different expansion rates of the body and the glaze.
[汝窯 yü yiu. 汝 yü: you, thou.]
Guan ware (官窯): Thin-walled thick glazed porcelains made under court supervision from the Sung Dynasty (宋朝), more particularly Southern Sung. The body is brown or greyish brown, the luminescent glaze itself a velvety enamelesque with bold crackles, in shades of white, off-yellow, faint greens, or pale pale blues.
[官窯 gun yiu. 官 gun: official, government. 宋朝 sung chiu: Song, 960 - 1279.]
Ge ware (哥窯): Related to Guan ware, and developed during late Song - early Yuan. Jing De Zhen. Both crackled blueish-glazed ware and yellowish glaze with bold dark crackles interspersed with lighter reddish hairlines. Note: large pattern crackle. From Chekiang (浙江).
[哥窯 go yiu. 哥 go: elder brother. 元朝 yuen chiu: Mongol Dynasty, 1279 - 1368. 元 yuen: first, whole dollar, origin. 朝 chiu: dynasty, court, morning. 浙江 chit gong: Chekiang Province. 浙 chit: twisty river, Abbreviation of Chekiang. 江 gong: river. 瓯 au: drinking bowl, cup. Shallow rimmed tray. Ancient name for Wenchow (溫州). 岙 ou: montane terrace, level area in the hills. Island. Often used in Chekiang and Fukien place names. 温 wan: lukewarm, warmish. Soft, tender. Review, revise, redact. Epidemic. 州 jau: state; administrative region.]
Celadon (青磁):The famous greenish - blueish - yellow-brownish hue range is because of iron oxides, the reduction firing makes it crackly. This was most famously manufactured at the Long Guan kilns (Longguan: 龍泉) in Chitkong province (Zhejiang: 浙江), which is south of Shanghai. It was also produced at King Tak Chan (Jingdezhen: 景徳鎮), as well as in Korea and Japan. It is still made in all those places.
Jian ware (建陽窯): blackware and rabbits fur from Kien-Yang (建陽) in Nanping Prefecture (南平), Fukien Province (福建省).
Blue and white ware (青花): White porcelain with cobalt oxide decorative patterns sealed-in by a clear glaze. The blue pigment was usually somewhat impure, which added character and a glowing quality, especially with faint bleeding past the lines during firing. Notable from the Ming Period (明代) onward, often exported.
Rabbit's fur (兔毫): Often called 'partridge pattern glaze' (鹧鸪斑釉), these are usually black or dark brown (黑釉) tea-bowls (茶碗) from the Kienyang kiln (建陽窯黑釉) created during the Sung Dynasty, with striations and streaks like partridge feathers (鹧鸪羽毛) caused by iron oxide "curdling" in the glaze during firing. Prized variations include greyish rabbit fur (灰兔毫), yellow rabbit fur (黃兔毫), silver rabbit fur (銀兔毫), and gold rabbit fur (金兔毫).
[兔毫 tou hou: rabbit's fur; thin-streaked glaze pattern. 兔 tou: rabbit. 毫 hou: fine hair or fur.
鹧鸪斑釉 je gu baan yau: partridge stripe glaze. 鹧鸪 je gu: partridge. 鸪 gu: Formosan pigeon.
斑 baan: pattern, striped effect. Mariegation, mottles, freckles.
色斑 sik baan: stain, splotch, freckle. 雀斑 jeuk baan: freckles (sparrow spots). 雀 jeuk: sparrow. 釉 yau: pottery or porcelian glaze.
黑釉 hak yau: black glaze ware. 建陽窯黑釉 gin yeung yiu hak yau. 鹧鸪羽毛 je gu yü mou. 茶碗 chaa wun: tea bowl. 羽毛 yü mou: feathers, plumage. 灰兔毫 fui tou hou: ashy-grey rabbit fur glaze. 灰 fui: ashy, dust, grey. 黃兔毫 wong tou hou. 銀兔毫 ngaan tou hou. 金兔毫) kam tou hou.]
Oil-spot (油點瓷 or 天目釉) is technically a variation of rabbit's fur, in which the glaze is applied thickly, and as the red iron oxide molecules release oxygen they head to the surface, where the oxygen escapes and traces of iron are left, creating spots. Really thick glazes require a higher proportion of feldspar to stiffen so that they do not run and fuse the ceramic objects to the surfaces within the kiln on which they were placed. At extremely high temperatures, the glaze flows down, creating the rabbit fur effect; naturally these products will have a relatively thin glaze compared to oil-spot, and often the foot is comparatively tall and bare.
Imperial yellow, aka mustard yellow enamel (黄搪瓷): In Chinese the various constituents are not differentiated, but you should know that so-called 'imperial yellow' is lead-antimonate -- three parts lead oxide, one part powdered quartz, plus oxides and binders -- fired at a lower temperature than porcelain glazes, and hence not safe for food service. But the result is beautiful, and vessels with an interior free of the enamel (in other words with a white porcelainous glaze) should be safe. Often called 'soft yellow' (嬌黄).
NOTE: no slight tickle
Ding porcelain: 定瓷
Ru ware: 汝窯
Guan ware: 官窯
Ge ware: 哥窯
Celadon: 青磁
Jian ware: 建陽窯
Blue-and white: 青花瓷
Jing De Zhen: 景德鎮
Jun ware (鈞窯): a distinct blue celadon-type with opalescence caused by variations in the kiln-temperature during a slow heating-up and gradual cooling-off period in the firing, allowing the glaze to remain viscous for a long time. As with Celadon, there is iron in the material, which gives the blueish hues, and often traces of copper which render purplish streaks.
[鈞窯 gwan yiu. 鈞 gwan: thirty catty (斤) measure. 窯 yiu: kiln, oven.
斤 gan: catty; approx one pound US. Shrewd. Second person singular honorific. 擔 daam: one hundred catties; a carrying pole load. 兩 leung: tael; one sixteenth of a catty, though in modern usage an ounce, set at fifty grammes.]
Ding porcelain (定瓷): Ivory or cream-hued products famous from the Tang Dynasty (唐代)onwards.
[定瓷 deng chi. 定 deng, ding: fixed, assured. Decide, ascertain, settle. 瓷 chi: porcelain.
唐 tong: vain bragging, posturing.
唐代 tong doi: Tang dynasty 618 - 907. 大唐 daai tong: Tang Dynasty.
長安 cheung on: Chang'an: 'long peace', name of Tang capital city.
唐詩 tong si: poems from the Tang period.
李白 lei baak: Li Po, 701 - 762. 李 lei: wild plum. Judge.
杜甫 dou fu: Du Fu, 712 - 770. 杜 dou: stop, restrict, cause to halt. 甫 fu, pou: distance of ten li. Begin, man, father.
孟浩然 maang hou yin: Meng Haoran, 689 - 740. 孟 maang: first in series. Prominent. 浩 hou: great, abundant, vast. 然 yin: most assuredly, indeed!
白居易 baak geui yik: Bai Juyi, 772 - 846. 居 geui: live, dwell, reside. Stay at. 易 yi, yik: changes; easy.
王維 wong wai: Wang Wei, 701 - 761. 維 wai: maintain, safeguard, preserve; continue tradition.
杜牧 dou muk: Du Mu, 803 - 852. 牧 muk: breed livestock, tend cattle.
黃鶴樓 wong hok lau: Yellow Crane Tower, a famous landmark mentioned in a poem by 崔顥 (died 754), (cite: 人去樓空' the people have gone and the tower is empty'; the past will not return).
崔 cheui: high, lofty, supreme. 顥 hou: luminous, hoary.
Note: the Yellow Crane Tower is also the location from whence Li Po famously bade farewell to Meng Haoran as mentioned in this quatrain: 故人西辭黃鶴樓,煙花三月下揚州;孤帆遠影碧空盡,惟見長江天際流。 "Gu yan sai chi wong hok lau, yin faa saam yuet haa yeung jau; gu faan yuen ying bik hung jeun, wai kin cheung gong tin jai lau."
Further random mentions:
蘇軾 sou sik: Su Shi, 1037 - 1101, also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡, one of the three Su essayists and literateurs (三蘇).
蘇 sou: revive, ressurect. Soviet. 軾 sik: bar at the front of a sedan chair; lean-upon, support (noun).
陸羽 luk yü: Lu Yu, 733 - 804. Famous tea author. 陸 luk: land, continent. Realm. 羽 yü: feather, plume. Mnemonic for the scholars, esp. in Confucian ceremonial.
韓愈 hon yü: Han Yu, 768 - 824. Famous essayist and poet. 韓 hon: fence. Korea. 愈 yü: ever more, even more. Continually more.
琵琶行 pei paa haang: 'song of the lute' - famous poem by Bai Juyi (白居易).
韃靼 taat daat: tatars; the characters are purely phonetic. Nowadays called 塔塔.
唐末 tong mut: the final years of tang, from the end of the ninth century onwards.
張旭 cheung yuk: Chang Xu, famous poet and calligrapher known for his grass script (草書). 張 cheung: stretch, expand. 旭 yuk: sunrising, brilliant. Radiance.
唐宋八大家 tong sung baat daai ga: the eight famous exemplars of tang and Sung dynasty essays; 韓愈 (Han Yu), 柳宗元 (Liu Zongyuan), 歐陽修 (Ouyang Xiu), 蘇洵 (Su Xuan), 蘇軾 (Su Shi), 蘇轍 (Su Zhe), 王安石 (Wang Anshi), and 曾鞏 (Zeng Gong).
修 sau: decorate, embellish; repair, fix, build. Cultivate literature. Write. Study.
蘇洵 sou seun: Su Xuan, 1009 - 1066; father of 蘇軾 and 蘇轍.
蘇軾 sou sik: Su Dongpo, 1037 - 1101; sou tung po (東坡 eastern slope).
蘇轍 sou chit: Su Zhe, 1039 - 1112. 轍 chit: wagon ruts.
曾鞏 chang gung: Zeng Gong, 1019 - 1083. 曾 chang, jang: already. Past tense marker. 鞏 gung: bound, secured; firm.
楊玉環 yeung yuk waan: Yang Yuhuan, 719 - 756; also known as Yang Kueifei (楊貴妃), the chubby temptress whose machinations as imperial consort wrecked the realm. Strangled by the army during the Anlushan rebellion (安史之亂).
歐陽詢 au yeung suen: Ouyang Xun, one of the four first greats among the Tang poets (唐初四大家).
柳宗元 lau jung yuen; Liu Zongyuan, 773 - 819; tang literateur, proponent of the classical writing style (古文運動, 復古). 女皇帝 neui wong dai: empress; referring to Wu Zetian (武則天 mou jak tin), 624 - 705, in power 690 - 705.
曌 jiu: grapheme invented as personal name by Wu Zetian.
武 mou: martial, warlike. 則 jak: rule, law, regulation.
卿 hing: noble, high-ranking official. Term of married endearment. term used by the emperor for subjects.
總監 jung gaam: commissioner, local governor. 總 jung: altogether, in toto. 監 gaam: supervise, control.
三藏 saam jong: Tripitaka, Bhuddist scholar who travelled to India.
藏 jong: hide, conceal, store up. Book collection.
李商隱 lei sueng yan: Li Shangyin, 813 - 858. 隱 yan: hide, conceal.
唐玄宗 tong yün chung: Emperor Hsuan Tsung, 685 - 762, rein 712 - 756.
玄 yün: deep, profound. 宗 chung: lineage, ancestral.
Ru ware (汝窯): Beautiful pale blue crackly glaze with hue variations. The iron oxide in the glaze becomes greenish and blueish when fired in a reducing atmosphere. Ru wares vary from off-white to beautiful pale blues, with brownish crackling due to the different expansion rates of the body and the glaze.
[汝窯 yü yiu. 汝 yü: you, thou.]
Guan ware (官窯): Thin-walled thick glazed porcelains made under court supervision from the Sung Dynasty (宋朝), more particularly Southern Sung. The body is brown or greyish brown, the luminescent glaze itself a velvety enamelesque with bold crackles, in shades of white, off-yellow, faint greens, or pale pale blues.
[官窯 gun yiu. 官 gun: official, government. 宋朝 sung chiu: Song, 960 - 1279.]
Ge ware (哥窯): Related to Guan ware, and developed during late Song - early Yuan. Jing De Zhen. Both crackled blueish-glazed ware and yellowish glaze with bold dark crackles interspersed with lighter reddish hairlines. Note: large pattern crackle. From Chekiang (浙江).
[哥窯 go yiu. 哥 go: elder brother. 元朝 yuen chiu: Mongol Dynasty, 1279 - 1368. 元 yuen: first, whole dollar, origin. 朝 chiu: dynasty, court, morning. 浙江 chit gong: Chekiang Province. 浙 chit: twisty river, Abbreviation of Chekiang. 江 gong: river. 瓯 au: drinking bowl, cup. Shallow rimmed tray. Ancient name for Wenchow (溫州). 岙 ou: montane terrace, level area in the hills. Island. Often used in Chekiang and Fukien place names. 温 wan: lukewarm, warmish. Soft, tender. Review, revise, redact. Epidemic. 州 jau: state; administrative region.]
Celadon (青磁):The famous greenish - blueish - yellow-brownish hue range is because of iron oxides, the reduction firing makes it crackly. This was most famously manufactured at the Long Guan kilns (Longguan: 龍泉) in Chitkong province (Zhejiang: 浙江), which is south of Shanghai. It was also produced at King Tak Chan (Jingdezhen: 景徳鎮), as well as in Korea and Japan. It is still made in all those places.
Jian ware (建陽窯): blackware and rabbits fur from Kien-Yang (建陽) in Nanping Prefecture (南平), Fukien Province (福建省).
Blue and white ware (青花): White porcelain with cobalt oxide decorative patterns sealed-in by a clear glaze. The blue pigment was usually somewhat impure, which added character and a glowing quality, especially with faint bleeding past the lines during firing. Notable from the Ming Period (明代) onward, often exported.
Rabbit's fur (兔毫): Often called 'partridge pattern glaze' (鹧鸪斑釉), these are usually black or dark brown (黑釉) tea-bowls (茶碗) from the Kienyang kiln (建陽窯黑釉) created during the Sung Dynasty, with striations and streaks like partridge feathers (鹧鸪羽毛) caused by iron oxide "curdling" in the glaze during firing. Prized variations include greyish rabbit fur (灰兔毫), yellow rabbit fur (黃兔毫), silver rabbit fur (銀兔毫), and gold rabbit fur (金兔毫).
[兔毫 tou hou: rabbit's fur; thin-streaked glaze pattern. 兔 tou: rabbit. 毫 hou: fine hair or fur.
鹧鸪斑釉 je gu baan yau: partridge stripe glaze. 鹧鸪 je gu: partridge. 鸪 gu: Formosan pigeon.
斑 baan: pattern, striped effect. Mariegation, mottles, freckles.
色斑 sik baan: stain, splotch, freckle. 雀斑 jeuk baan: freckles (sparrow spots). 雀 jeuk: sparrow. 釉 yau: pottery or porcelian glaze.
黑釉 hak yau: black glaze ware. 建陽窯黑釉 gin yeung yiu hak yau. 鹧鸪羽毛 je gu yü mou. 茶碗 chaa wun: tea bowl. 羽毛 yü mou: feathers, plumage. 灰兔毫 fui tou hou: ashy-grey rabbit fur glaze. 灰 fui: ashy, dust, grey. 黃兔毫 wong tou hou. 銀兔毫 ngaan tou hou. 金兔毫) kam tou hou.]
Oil-spot (油點瓷 or 天目釉) is technically a variation of rabbit's fur, in which the glaze is applied thickly, and as the red iron oxide molecules release oxygen they head to the surface, where the oxygen escapes and traces of iron are left, creating spots. Really thick glazes require a higher proportion of feldspar to stiffen so that they do not run and fuse the ceramic objects to the surfaces within the kiln on which they were placed. At extremely high temperatures, the glaze flows down, creating the rabbit fur effect; naturally these products will have a relatively thin glaze compared to oil-spot, and often the foot is comparatively tall and bare.
Imperial yellow, aka mustard yellow enamel (黄搪瓷): In Chinese the various constituents are not differentiated, but you should know that so-called 'imperial yellow' is lead-antimonate -- three parts lead oxide, one part powdered quartz, plus oxides and binders -- fired at a lower temperature than porcelain glazes, and hence not safe for food service. But the result is beautiful, and vessels with an interior free of the enamel (in other words with a white porcelainous glaze) should be safe. Often called 'soft yellow' (嬌黄).
NOTE: no slight tickle
Saturday, May 18, 2013
茶 chaa: tea.
泡茶 pou chaa: to make tea.
泡 pou: bubbles, suds; blister; soak.
綠茶 luk chaa: green tea.
綠 luk: green; chlorine.
飲茶 yam chaa: to have tea and refreshments / to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese).
飲 yam: drink; swallow.
奶茶 naai chaa: milk tea.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
茶葉 chaa yip: tea-leaves.
葉 yip: leaf, petal; page of book.
茶杯 chaa pui: teacup / tea-glass or cup.
茶包chaa baau: tea bag.
包 baau: wrap, pack, bundle; package.
普洱茶 pou nei chaa: Pu'er tea from the Pu'er region of Yunnan.
普 pou: universal, general, widespread.
洱 yi, nei: a lake in Yunnan.
珍珠奶茶 jan jyu naai chaa: pearl milk tea / tapioca milk tea / bubble milk tea.
珍 jan: precious, valuable, rare.
珠 jyu: precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
品茶 ban chaa: to taste tea / to sip tea.
品 ban: article, product, commodity.
茶樹 chaa syu: tea tree / Camellia sinensis.
品茗 ban ming: to taste tea / to sip tea.
茗 ming: tea; tea plant.
抹茶 maat chaa: green tea powder.
抹 maat, mut: smear, apply, wipe off, erase.
茶座 chaa jo: teahouse / tea-stall with seats / tea-garden or teahouse seat.
座 jo: seat; stand, base.
沏 chai: to steep (tea).
清茶 cheng chaa: green tea / only tea (without food).
清 cheng, ching: clear, pure, clean; peaceful.
烏龍茶 wu lung chaa: Oolong tea.
烏 wu: crow, rook, raven; black, dark.
龍 lung: dragon; symbolic of emperor.
茶點 chaa dim: tea and cake / refreshments / tea and dimsun 點心, traditional Hong Kong lunch.
點 dim: dot, speck, spot; point, degree.
花茶 faa chaa: scented tea.
花 faa: flower; blossoms.
茶藝 chaa ngai: the art of tea.
藝 ngai: art; talent, ability; craft.
茶莊 chaa jong: tea shop.
莊 jong: village, hamlet; villa; surname.
涼茶 leung chaa: Chinese herb tea.
涼 leung: cool, cold; disheartened.
茶具chaa geui: tea set / tea service.
具 geui: tool, implement; draw up, write.
茶葉蛋 chaa yip daan: tea egg.
葉 yip; sip: leaf, petal; page of book; period.
蛋 daan: eggs.
春茶cheun cha: spring tea / tea-leaves gathered at spring time.
春 cheun: spring; wanton.
珍奶 jan naai: abbr. for pearl milk tea 珍珠奶茶.
珍 jan: precious, valuable, rare.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
菊花茶 guk faa chaa: chrysanthemum tea.
菊 guk: chrysanthemum.
花 faa: flower; blossoms.
檸檬茶 ning mung chaa: lemon tea (also: 柠檬茶).
檸 ning: lemon.
檬 mung: type of locust tree.
热茶 yit chaa: hot tea.
熱 yit: hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal.
早茶 jou chaa: morning tea.
早jou: early; soon; morning.
鐵觀音 tit gun yam: Iron Godess of Mercy Tea; Tieguanyin tea.
鐵 tit: iron; strong, solid, firm.
觀 gun: see, observe, view; appearance.
音 yam: sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation.
陸羽 luk yu: Lu Yu (733-804), Chinese writer from Tang dynasty, known for his obsession with tea.
陸 luk: land, continental; army; an accounting form of 六 (six).
羽 yu (yiu): feather, plume; wings.
端上 dyun seung:to serve (food, tea etc).
端 dyun (deun): end, extreme portion; beginning, head.
茉莉花茶 mut lei faa chaa: jasmine tea.
茉 mut: white jasmine.
莉 lei: white jasmine.
花 faa: flower; blossoms.
茶餘飯後chaa yiu faan hou: leisure time (over a cup of tea, after a meal etc).
拉茶 laai chaa: teh tarik, Malaysian tea with milk.
拉 laai; laap: pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen.
茶農 chaa nung: tea farmer, tea grower.
農 nung: agriculture, farming; farmer.
玄米茶 suen mai chaa: genmaicha / Japanese tea with added roasted brown rice.
敬茶 ging chaa: to serve tea (to guests).
敬 ging: respect, honor; respectfully.
窨 fan: to scent tea with flowers / variant of 熏.
釅 yim: strong (of tea).
茶馬古道 chaa maa gu dou: old tea-horse road or southern Silk Road, dating back to 6th century, from Tibet and Sichuan through Yunnan and Southeast Asia, reaching to Bhutan, Sikkim, India and beyond.
馬 maa: horse; surname.
古 gu: old, classic, ancient.
道 dou: path, road, street; method, way.
茶經 chaa ging: the Classic of Tea, first monograph ever on tea and its culture, written by 陸羽between 760-780.
經 ging: classic works; pass through.
龍井茶 lung jeng chaa: Dragon Well Tea.
龍 lung: dragon; symbolic of emperor.
井 ging: well, mine shaft, pit.
烹茶 paang chaa: to brew tea.
烹paang: boil, cook, quick-fry.
茶飯不思 chaa faan bat si: no thought for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and suffering / to have no appetite.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
不 bat; fau: no, not; un-; negative prefix.
思 si: think, consider, ponder; final particle.
黑茶 hak chaa: dark tea, a variety of fermented tea (e.g. Pu'er tea 普洱茶).
黑 haak, hak: black; dark; evil, sinister.
茶錢 chaa chin: tip / gratuity / money for tea.
錢 chin: money, currency, coins.
功夫茶 gung fu chaa: very concentrated type of tea drunk in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan.
工夫茶 (same as above).
功 gung: achievement, merit, good result.
工 gung: labor, work; worker, laborer.
夫 fu: man, male adult, husband, master.
波霸奶茶 bo baa naai chaa: bōbànǎichá, bubble milk tea made with tapioca pearls.
波 bo: waves, breakers; undulations.
霸 baa: rule by might rather than right.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
酥油茶 sou yau chaa: butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc drink derived from milk).
酥 sou: buttery; flaky, crispy, light, fluffy.
油 yau: oil, fat, grease, lard; paints.
沾唇 jim seun: to moisten one's lips / to sip (wine, tea etc) / esp. used with negatives: never touch a drop of the stuff.
沾 jim: moisten, wet, soak; touch.
唇 seun: lips.
滇紅 din hung: Dian Hong tea.
滇 din, tin: Yunnan province.
紅 hung: red, vermillion; blush, flush.
茶點時間 chaa dim si gaan: tea break / tea and dimsun 點心, traditional Hong Kong lunch.
點 dim: speck, spot; point, degree.
時 si: time, season; era, age, period.
間 gaan: interval, space; place, between.
珠茶 jyu chaa: gunpowder tea, Chinese green tea whose leaves are each formed into a small pellet.
珠 jyu: precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl.
茶飯無心 chaa faan mou sam: no heart for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and suffering / to have no appetite.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
無 mou: negative, no, not; lack, have no.
心 sam: heart; mind, intelligence; soul.
紅茶 hung chaa: black tea.
紅 hung: red, vermillion; blush, flush.
茶話會 chaa waa wui: tea party.
茶几 chaa gei: small side table / coffee table / teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea).
几 gei: small table.
長島冰茶 cheung dou bing chaa: Long Island Iced Tea.
長 cheung, jeung: long; length; excel in; leader.
島 dou: island.
冰 bing: ice; ice-cold.
茶會 chaa wui: tea party.
會 wui: to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization.
香片 heung pin: jasmine tea / scented tea.
香 heung: fragrant, sweet smelling, incense.
片 pin: disk, sheet, splinter, strip.
柴米油鹽醬醋茶 chaai mai yau yim jeung chou chaa: lit. firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, and tea / fig. life's daily necessities.
柴 chaai: firewood, faggots, fuel.
米 mai: hulled or husked uncooked rice.
油 yau: oil, fat, grease, lard; paints.
鹽 yim: (same as 塩) salt.
醬 jeung: any jam-like or paste-like food.
醋 chou: vinegar; jealousy, envy.
快可立 faai ho lap: Kuàikělì, the Quickly tapioca milk tea franchise.
快 faai: rapid, quick, speedy, fast; soon.
可 ho: may, can, -able; possibly.
立 laap, lap; wai: stand; let stand; establish, set.
粗茶淡飯 chou chaa daam faan: plain tea and simple food / (fig.) bread and water.
粗 chou: rough, thick, course; rude.
淡 daam, taam: weak, watery; insipid, tasteless.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
沱茶 to chaa: tuóchá, a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea 普洱茶, compacted into a bowl or nest shape / dome shaped tea-brick / caked tea.
沱 to: rivers, streams, waterways; flow.
殺青 saat ching: to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc) / to finalize / to kill-green (a step in the processing of tea leaves).
殺 saat: kill, slaughter, murder; hurt; to pare off, reduce, clip.
青 cheng, ching: blue, green, black; young.
焙煎 bui jin: to dry and roast over a low fire (tea, chestnuts, seaweed etc).
焙 bui: dry over slow fire; bake; roast.
煎 jin: fry in fat or oil; boil in water.
茶馬互市 chaa maa wu si: old tea-horse market between Tibet, China, Southeast Asia and India, formalized as a state enterprise under the Song dynasty.
馬 maa: horse; surname.
互 wu: mutually, reciprocally.
巾 si: market, fair; city, town; trade.
要加牛奶 yiu gaa ngau naai: with milk / white (of tea, coffee etc).
要 yiu: necessary, essential; necessity.
加 gaa: add to, increase, augment.
牛 ngau: cow, ox, bull.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
不加牛奶 bat gaa ngau naai: without milk / black (of tea, coffee etc).
不 bat; fau: no, not; un-; negative prefix.
加 gaa: add to, increase, augment.
牛 ngau: cow, ox, bull.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
格雷伯爵茶 gaak leui baak jeuk chaa: Earl Grey tea.
格 gaak: pattern, standard, form; style.
雷 leui: thunder.
伯 baak: older brother; father's elder brother; senior male 'sire'; feudal rank 'count'.
爵 jeuk: feudal title or rank.
擦碗布 chaa wun bou: dish cloth / tea towel.
擦 chaat: wipe, scrub, rub, scour; brush.
碗 wun: bowl, small dish.
布 bou: cotton cloth, textiles, linen.
茶敘會chaa jeui wui: tea-time talk.
敘 jeui: express, state, relate, narrate.
會 wui: to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization.
三茶六飯 saam chaa luk faan: lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes / to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom).
三 saam: three.
六 luk: number six.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
Keemun: 祁門紅茶 (kei-mun hong chaa) from Anhui (安徽 on-woei) in eastern China is much preferred for expensive English blends.
Yunnan tea, golden tippy Yunnan: 金芽滇紅 (kam ngaa din hong) and 滇紅茶 (din hong chaa) is a black tea developed during the latter half of the twentieth century, primarily for export.
Lichee tea: 荔枝紅茶 (lei-ji hong chaa) is black tea with lichee fragments added, hence a curiosity for export, fine for ice-tea.
Jasmine tea: 茉莉花茶 (mut-lei faa cha), also called 香片 (heung pin: fragrant slivers) comes from Fujian province (福建省 fuk-gin saang), and is very popular among southern Chinese. Its taste is tangy and slightly astringent.
Oolong: 烏龍 (wu-lung: dark dragon), a semi-fermented Fujianese tea also produced in a number of other areas, of which there are a great variety of types and qualities, some of which are quite expensive.
Lapsang souchong: 拉山茶 (laap saan chaa), 拉山小種 (laap saan siu jong), 拉普山小種 (laap pou saan siu jong). A smoky dark tea from the mountains of Fujian.
Yi-Hsing teapot, Small purple sand teapot: 宜興茶壺 (yi-heng chaa-wu) or 紫砂茶壺 (ji-saa chaa-wu).
Gungfu style: 功夫茶式 (gung fu chaa sik), also called 'old folks tea': 老人茶 (lou yan chaa).
Shui Hsien: 水仙茶 (seui-sin chaa: water fairy tea) is a medium-ferment from Fujian province that has a nectar-like fragrance at the higher grades, a toasty smell at the lower end.
Pu-Erh: 普洱茶 (pou nei chaa), a fermented and oxidized pressed tea from Yunnan province (雲南 wan-naam) reputed to be healthful and good for the digestion. You will most often encounter it at dim sum restaurants.
Cheng saan siu jong: 正山小种 (jeng-saan siu-jong), what lapsang souchong is commonly called.
Souchong: 小种 (siu-jong) lesser planting, minor cultivation, sub-variety; the lower leaves, a coarser and less delicate product without the fragrance and sweetness of the buds.
Pekoe: 白毫 white fuzz, pronounced 'pek-ho' in Fujian dialect, 'baak hou' in 'Cantonese', so named in reference to the slight remnant of downy filaments still adhering after harvest).
Lipton: 立頓紅茶 (laahp-deun hong chaa).
Goiwun: (蓋碗 cover + bowl), a handleless cup for brewing, with a lid and a deep saucer. Also called a chaa-jung (茶盅).
泡茶 pou chaa: to make tea.
泡 pou: bubbles, suds; blister; soak.
綠茶 luk chaa: green tea.
綠 luk: green; chlorine.
飲茶 yam chaa: to have tea and refreshments / to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese).
飲 yam: drink; swallow.
奶茶 naai chaa: milk tea.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
茶葉 chaa yip: tea-leaves.
葉 yip: leaf, petal; page of book.
茶杯 chaa pui: teacup / tea-glass or cup.
茶包chaa baau: tea bag.
包 baau: wrap, pack, bundle; package.
普洱茶 pou nei chaa: Pu'er tea from the Pu'er region of Yunnan.
普 pou: universal, general, widespread.
洱 yi, nei: a lake in Yunnan.
珍珠奶茶 jan jyu naai chaa: pearl milk tea / tapioca milk tea / bubble milk tea.
珍 jan: precious, valuable, rare.
珠 jyu: precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
品茶 ban chaa: to taste tea / to sip tea.
品 ban: article, product, commodity.
茶樹 chaa syu: tea tree / Camellia sinensis.
品茗 ban ming: to taste tea / to sip tea.
茗 ming: tea; tea plant.
抹茶 maat chaa: green tea powder.
抹 maat, mut: smear, apply, wipe off, erase.
茶座 chaa jo: teahouse / tea-stall with seats / tea-garden or teahouse seat.
座 jo: seat; stand, base.
沏 chai: to steep (tea).
清茶 cheng chaa: green tea / only tea (without food).
清 cheng, ching: clear, pure, clean; peaceful.
烏龍茶 wu lung chaa: Oolong tea.
烏 wu: crow, rook, raven; black, dark.
龍 lung: dragon; symbolic of emperor.
茶點 chaa dim: tea and cake / refreshments / tea and dimsun 點心, traditional Hong Kong lunch.
點 dim: dot, speck, spot; point, degree.
花茶 faa chaa: scented tea.
花 faa: flower; blossoms.
茶藝 chaa ngai: the art of tea.
藝 ngai: art; talent, ability; craft.
茶莊 chaa jong: tea shop.
莊 jong: village, hamlet; villa; surname.
涼茶 leung chaa: Chinese herb tea.
涼 leung: cool, cold; disheartened.
茶具chaa geui: tea set / tea service.
具 geui: tool, implement; draw up, write.
茶葉蛋 chaa yip daan: tea egg.
葉 yip; sip: leaf, petal; page of book; period.
蛋 daan: eggs.
春茶cheun cha: spring tea / tea-leaves gathered at spring time.
春 cheun: spring; wanton.
珍奶 jan naai: abbr. for pearl milk tea 珍珠奶茶.
珍 jan: precious, valuable, rare.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
菊花茶 guk faa chaa: chrysanthemum tea.
菊 guk: chrysanthemum.
花 faa: flower; blossoms.
檸檬茶 ning mung chaa: lemon tea (also: 柠檬茶).
檸 ning: lemon.
檬 mung: type of locust tree.
热茶 yit chaa: hot tea.
熱 yit: hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal.
早茶 jou chaa: morning tea.
早jou: early; soon; morning.
鐵觀音 tit gun yam: Iron Godess of Mercy Tea; Tieguanyin tea.
鐵 tit: iron; strong, solid, firm.
觀 gun: see, observe, view; appearance.
音 yam: sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation.
陸羽 luk yu: Lu Yu (733-804), Chinese writer from Tang dynasty, known for his obsession with tea.
陸 luk: land, continental; army; an accounting form of 六 (six).
羽 yu (yiu): feather, plume; wings.
端上 dyun seung:to serve (food, tea etc).
端 dyun (deun): end, extreme portion; beginning, head.
茉莉花茶 mut lei faa chaa: jasmine tea.
茉 mut: white jasmine.
莉 lei: white jasmine.
花 faa: flower; blossoms.
茶餘飯後chaa yiu faan hou: leisure time (over a cup of tea, after a meal etc).
拉茶 laai chaa: teh tarik, Malaysian tea with milk.
拉 laai; laap: pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen.
茶農 chaa nung: tea farmer, tea grower.
農 nung: agriculture, farming; farmer.
玄米茶 suen mai chaa: genmaicha / Japanese tea with added roasted brown rice.
敬茶 ging chaa: to serve tea (to guests).
敬 ging: respect, honor; respectfully.
窨 fan: to scent tea with flowers / variant of 熏.
釅 yim: strong (of tea).
茶馬古道 chaa maa gu dou: old tea-horse road or southern Silk Road, dating back to 6th century, from Tibet and Sichuan through Yunnan and Southeast Asia, reaching to Bhutan, Sikkim, India and beyond.
馬 maa: horse; surname.
古 gu: old, classic, ancient.
道 dou: path, road, street; method, way.
茶經 chaa ging: the Classic of Tea, first monograph ever on tea and its culture, written by 陸羽between 760-780.
經 ging: classic works; pass through.
龍井茶 lung jeng chaa: Dragon Well Tea.
龍 lung: dragon; symbolic of emperor.
井 ging: well, mine shaft, pit.
烹茶 paang chaa: to brew tea.
烹paang: boil, cook, quick-fry.
茶飯不思 chaa faan bat si: no thought for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and suffering / to have no appetite.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
不 bat; fau: no, not; un-; negative prefix.
思 si: think, consider, ponder; final particle.
黑茶 hak chaa: dark tea, a variety of fermented tea (e.g. Pu'er tea 普洱茶).
黑 haak, hak: black; dark; evil, sinister.
茶錢 chaa chin: tip / gratuity / money for tea.
錢 chin: money, currency, coins.
功夫茶 gung fu chaa: very concentrated type of tea drunk in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan.
工夫茶 (same as above).
功 gung: achievement, merit, good result.
工 gung: labor, work; worker, laborer.
夫 fu: man, male adult, husband, master.
波霸奶茶 bo baa naai chaa: bōbànǎichá, bubble milk tea made with tapioca pearls.
波 bo: waves, breakers; undulations.
霸 baa: rule by might rather than right.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
酥油茶 sou yau chaa: butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc drink derived from milk).
酥 sou: buttery; flaky, crispy, light, fluffy.
油 yau: oil, fat, grease, lard; paints.
沾唇 jim seun: to moisten one's lips / to sip (wine, tea etc) / esp. used with negatives: never touch a drop of the stuff.
沾 jim: moisten, wet, soak; touch.
唇 seun: lips.
滇紅 din hung: Dian Hong tea.
滇 din, tin: Yunnan province.
紅 hung: red, vermillion; blush, flush.
茶點時間 chaa dim si gaan: tea break / tea and dimsun 點心, traditional Hong Kong lunch.
點 dim: speck, spot; point, degree.
時 si: time, season; era, age, period.
間 gaan: interval, space; place, between.
珠茶 jyu chaa: gunpowder tea, Chinese green tea whose leaves are each formed into a small pellet.
珠 jyu: precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl.
茶飯無心 chaa faan mou sam: no heart for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and suffering / to have no appetite.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
無 mou: negative, no, not; lack, have no.
心 sam: heart; mind, intelligence; soul.
紅茶 hung chaa: black tea.
紅 hung: red, vermillion; blush, flush.
茶話會 chaa waa wui: tea party.
茶几 chaa gei: small side table / coffee table / teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea).
几 gei: small table.
長島冰茶 cheung dou bing chaa: Long Island Iced Tea.
長 cheung, jeung: long; length; excel in; leader.
島 dou: island.
冰 bing: ice; ice-cold.
茶會 chaa wui: tea party.
會 wui: to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization.
香片 heung pin: jasmine tea / scented tea.
香 heung: fragrant, sweet smelling, incense.
片 pin: disk, sheet, splinter, strip.
柴米油鹽醬醋茶 chaai mai yau yim jeung chou chaa: lit. firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, and tea / fig. life's daily necessities.
柴 chaai: firewood, faggots, fuel.
米 mai: hulled or husked uncooked rice.
油 yau: oil, fat, grease, lard; paints.
鹽 yim: (same as 塩) salt.
醬 jeung: any jam-like or paste-like food.
醋 chou: vinegar; jealousy, envy.
快可立 faai ho lap: Kuàikělì, the Quickly tapioca milk tea franchise.
快 faai: rapid, quick, speedy, fast; soon.
可 ho: may, can, -able; possibly.
立 laap, lap; wai: stand; let stand; establish, set.
粗茶淡飯 chou chaa daam faan: plain tea and simple food / (fig.) bread and water.
粗 chou: rough, thick, course; rude.
淡 daam, taam: weak, watery; insipid, tasteless.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
沱茶 to chaa: tuóchá, a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea 普洱茶, compacted into a bowl or nest shape / dome shaped tea-brick / caked tea.
沱 to: rivers, streams, waterways; flow.
殺青 saat ching: to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc) / to finalize / to kill-green (a step in the processing of tea leaves).
殺 saat: kill, slaughter, murder; hurt; to pare off, reduce, clip.
青 cheng, ching: blue, green, black; young.
焙煎 bui jin: to dry and roast over a low fire (tea, chestnuts, seaweed etc).
焙 bui: dry over slow fire; bake; roast.
煎 jin: fry in fat or oil; boil in water.
茶馬互市 chaa maa wu si: old tea-horse market between Tibet, China, Southeast Asia and India, formalized as a state enterprise under the Song dynasty.
馬 maa: horse; surname.
互 wu: mutually, reciprocally.
巾 si: market, fair; city, town; trade.
要加牛奶 yiu gaa ngau naai: with milk / white (of tea, coffee etc).
要 yiu: necessary, essential; necessity.
加 gaa: add to, increase, augment.
牛 ngau: cow, ox, bull.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
不加牛奶 bat gaa ngau naai: without milk / black (of tea, coffee etc).
不 bat; fau: no, not; un-; negative prefix.
加 gaa: add to, increase, augment.
牛 ngau: cow, ox, bull.
奶 naai: milk; woman's breasts; nurse.
格雷伯爵茶 gaak leui baak jeuk chaa: Earl Grey tea.
格 gaak: pattern, standard, form; style.
雷 leui: thunder.
伯 baak: older brother; father's elder brother; senior male 'sire'; feudal rank 'count'.
爵 jeuk: feudal title or rank.
擦碗布 chaa wun bou: dish cloth / tea towel.
擦 chaat: wipe, scrub, rub, scour; brush.
碗 wun: bowl, small dish.
布 bou: cotton cloth, textiles, linen.
茶敘會chaa jeui wui: tea-time talk.
敘 jeui: express, state, relate, narrate.
會 wui: to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization.
三茶六飯 saam chaa luk faan: lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes / to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom).
三 saam: three.
六 luk: number six.
飯 faan: cooked rice; food; meal.
Keemun: 祁門紅茶 (kei-mun hong chaa) from Anhui (安徽 on-woei) in eastern China is much preferred for expensive English blends.
Yunnan tea, golden tippy Yunnan: 金芽滇紅 (kam ngaa din hong) and 滇紅茶 (din hong chaa) is a black tea developed during the latter half of the twentieth century, primarily for export.
Lichee tea: 荔枝紅茶 (lei-ji hong chaa) is black tea with lichee fragments added, hence a curiosity for export, fine for ice-tea.
Jasmine tea: 茉莉花茶 (mut-lei faa cha), also called 香片 (heung pin: fragrant slivers) comes from Fujian province (福建省 fuk-gin saang), and is very popular among southern Chinese. Its taste is tangy and slightly astringent.
Oolong: 烏龍 (wu-lung: dark dragon), a semi-fermented Fujianese tea also produced in a number of other areas, of which there are a great variety of types and qualities, some of which are quite expensive.
Lapsang souchong: 拉山茶 (laap saan chaa), 拉山小種 (laap saan siu jong), 拉普山小種 (laap pou saan siu jong). A smoky dark tea from the mountains of Fujian.
Yi-Hsing teapot, Small purple sand teapot: 宜興茶壺 (yi-heng chaa-wu) or 紫砂茶壺 (ji-saa chaa-wu).
Gungfu style: 功夫茶式 (gung fu chaa sik), also called 'old folks tea': 老人茶 (lou yan chaa).
Shui Hsien: 水仙茶 (seui-sin chaa: water fairy tea) is a medium-ferment from Fujian province that has a nectar-like fragrance at the higher grades, a toasty smell at the lower end.
Pu-Erh: 普洱茶 (pou nei chaa), a fermented and oxidized pressed tea from Yunnan province (雲南 wan-naam) reputed to be healthful and good for the digestion. You will most often encounter it at dim sum restaurants.
Cheng saan siu jong: 正山小种 (jeng-saan siu-jong), what lapsang souchong is commonly called.
Souchong: 小种 (siu-jong) lesser planting, minor cultivation, sub-variety; the lower leaves, a coarser and less delicate product without the fragrance and sweetness of the buds.
Pekoe: 白毫 white fuzz, pronounced 'pek-ho' in Fujian dialect, 'baak hou' in 'Cantonese', so named in reference to the slight remnant of downy filaments still adhering after harvest).
Lipton: 立頓紅茶 (laahp-deun hong chaa).
Goiwun: (蓋碗 cover + bowl), a handleless cup for brewing, with a lid and a deep saucer. Also called a chaa-jung (茶盅).
Friday, May 17, 2013
LOOKUP 05172013 A
Recognized words containing 艸.
芈 me: bleat of sheep; surname.
芒 mong: Miscanthus sinensis.
芬 fan: fragrance, aroma; perfume.
芯 sam: pith from rush (juncus effusus).
芲 faa: flower; blossoms.
芳 fong: fragrant; virtuous; beautiful.
芹 kan: celery.
苔 toi: lichen, moss.
苺 mui: berries.
茁 juet, jyut: to sprout, flourish; sprouts appearing above-ground; vigorous.
茆 maau: grass species, mallow.
茈 chaai, chi, ji: red plant dye herb.
茍 gau: to be circumspect or cautious in behaviour.
茖 gaak, gok: allium victorialis.
茗 ming: teaplant, tea sprout.
茞 choi, ji, chan: angelica.
茴 wui: fennel.
荔 lai: lichee.
药 jeuk: angelica spp leaf; medicine.
荼 tou: a bitter vegetable.
莉 lei: jasmine.
莊 jong: village, ville; surname.
莕 hang: an aquatic plant; Nymphoides peltalum.
莖 geng, hang: stem, stalk.
菐 pou: a thicket.
菖 cheung: calamus, sweet flag.
菳 kam
菽 suk: peas and beans.
萃 seui: dense and close-set.
萊 loi: goosefoot plant; vacant field.
萋 chai: luxuriant of leaves and foliage; densely crowded.
萌 mang: sprout.
萍 ping: duckweed; to wander about.
萎 wai: wilted, withered.
著 jeuk, jyu: to wear. Manifested.
落 lok, laai: fall, drop; income, surplus.
葁 keung: ginger.
葵 kwai: sunflower, mirasol.
葺 chap, jap: fix, repair, thatch. Heap.
蒙 mung: cover; ignorant; Mongolia.
蒜 suen, syun: garlic.
蒦 wu, yuek: measure, calculate.
蒻 yuek: reeds and rushes.
蒼 chong: blue-green.
蓄 chuk: store, hoard, gather.
蓉 yung: hibiscus, Chengdu.
蓊 yung: luxuriant foliage and vegetation; lush, verdant.
蓥 ying: polish; gleam.
蓺 ngai: art, talent, ability.
蔑 mit: disdain, despicion.
蔕 dai: plant-stem.
蔥 chung: allium spp, scallions and leeks.
蔻 kau: nutmeg; cardamom.
蔾 lai: brambles.
蕊 jeui: buds, budding flowers; unopened flower buds.
薰 fan: to cauterize. Moxa.
藝 ngai: art, skill, craft. talent.
藟 leui: vine, creeper; to wind.
蘆 lou: rushes, reeds; thatch.
蘇 sou: revive, resurrect; a species of thyme.
蘋 ping: apple.
蘷,虁 kwai: monopedal monster; walrus.
虊 luen
虋 mun: asparagus; a red stalked type of millet.
NOTE: 艸 chou - grass radical
芈 me: bleat of sheep; surname.
芒 mong: Miscanthus sinensis.
芬 fan: fragrance, aroma; perfume.
芯 sam: pith from rush (juncus effusus).
芲 faa: flower; blossoms.
芳 fong: fragrant; virtuous; beautiful.
芹 kan: celery.
苔 toi: lichen, moss.
苺 mui: berries.
茁 juet, jyut: to sprout, flourish; sprouts appearing above-ground; vigorous.
茆 maau: grass species, mallow.
茈 chaai, chi, ji: red plant dye herb.
茍 gau: to be circumspect or cautious in behaviour.
茖 gaak, gok: allium victorialis.
茗 ming: teaplant, tea sprout.
茞 choi, ji, chan: angelica.
茴 wui: fennel.
荔 lai: lichee.
药 jeuk: angelica spp leaf; medicine.
荼 tou: a bitter vegetable.
莉 lei: jasmine.
莊 jong: village, ville; surname.
莕 hang: an aquatic plant; Nymphoides peltalum.
莖 geng, hang: stem, stalk.
菐 pou: a thicket.
菖 cheung: calamus, sweet flag.
菳 kam
菽 suk: peas and beans.
萃 seui: dense and close-set.
萊 loi: goosefoot plant; vacant field.
萋 chai: luxuriant of leaves and foliage; densely crowded.
萌 mang: sprout.
萍 ping: duckweed; to wander about.
萎 wai: wilted, withered.
著 jeuk, jyu: to wear. Manifested.
落 lok, laai: fall, drop; income, surplus.
葁 keung: ginger.
葵 kwai: sunflower, mirasol.
葺 chap, jap: fix, repair, thatch. Heap.
蒙 mung: cover; ignorant; Mongolia.
蒜 suen, syun: garlic.
蒦 wu, yuek: measure, calculate.
蒻 yuek: reeds and rushes.
蒼 chong: blue-green.
蓄 chuk: store, hoard, gather.
蓉 yung: hibiscus, Chengdu.
蓊 yung: luxuriant foliage and vegetation; lush, verdant.
蓥 ying: polish; gleam.
蓺 ngai: art, talent, ability.
蔑 mit: disdain, despicion.
蔕 dai: plant-stem.
蔥 chung: allium spp, scallions and leeks.
蔻 kau: nutmeg; cardamom.
蔾 lai: brambles.
蕊 jeui: buds, budding flowers; unopened flower buds.
薰 fan: to cauterize. Moxa.
藝 ngai: art, skill, craft. talent.
藟 leui: vine, creeper; to wind.
蘆 lou: rushes, reeds; thatch.
蘇 sou: revive, resurrect; a species of thyme.
蘋 ping: apple.
蘷,虁 kwai: monopedal monster; walrus.
虊 luen
虋 mun: asparagus; a red stalked type of millet.
NOTE: 艸 chou - grass radical
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
LOOKUP 05142013 A
灼 Jeuk: burn; broil; cauterize; bright.
服 Fuk: clothes; wear, dress.
腰 Yiu: waist; kidney.
翼 Yik: wings; fins on fish; shelter.
酥 Sou: butter; flaky, crispy, light, fluffy.
肚 Tou: belly, bowels.
粘 Nim, Jim: viscous, mucous; glutinous .
碎 Seui: broken, busted.
透 Tau: penetrate, pass through .
錦 Gam: brocade, tapestry.
鲜 Sin: fresh, delicious, attractive.
寛 Guen: broad.
灏 Hou: vast, large, expansive.
瀨 Laai: swift currents, rapids.
鴛鴦 Yin-yeung: mandarin ducks; affectionate couple.
韮: variant of 韭 : 細香蔥 chive.
熟 Suk: well-cooked; ripe; familiar with.
筋 Gan: muscles, tendons.
絫 Leui: (phonetic).
紫 Ji: purple, violet; amethyst; surname.
NOTE: SanSun.
服 Fuk: clothes; wear, dress.
腰 Yiu: waist; kidney.
翼 Yik: wings; fins on fish; shelter.
酥 Sou: butter; flaky, crispy, light, fluffy.
肚 Tou: belly, bowels.
粘 Nim, Jim: viscous, mucous; glutinous .
碎 Seui: broken, busted.
透 Tau: penetrate, pass through .
錦 Gam: brocade, tapestry.
鲜 Sin: fresh, delicious, attractive.
寛 Guen: broad.
灏 Hou: vast, large, expansive.
瀨 Laai: swift currents, rapids.
鴛鴦 Yin-yeung: mandarin ducks; affectionate couple.
韮: variant of 韭 : 細香蔥 chive.
熟 Suk: well-cooked; ripe; familiar with.
筋 Gan: muscles, tendons.
絫 Leui: (phonetic).
紫 Ji: purple, violet; amethyst; surname.
NOTE: SanSun.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
銀行 ngaan-hong: bank.
支票 ji piu: bank cheque.
存款 chuen fun: bank deposit, bank account.
中央銀行 jung yeung ngaan-hong: central bank.
儲蓄所 savings bank.
商人銀行 sueng yan ngaan-hong: merchant bank.
外匯銀行 ngoi wui ngaan-hong: exchange bank.
商業銀行 seung yip ngaan-hong: commercial bank.
帳戶 jeung wu: account.
銀行存款 ngaan hong chuen fun: bank account.
打簿 daa bou: get a bank statement.
結餘 git yue: bank balance.
私人銀行 si yan ngaan-hong: private bank.
代理銀行 doi lei ngaan-hong: correspondent bank.
受理銀行 sau lei ngaan-hong: receiving bank.
提款咭 tai fun kaat: ATM card.
提款卡 tai fun kaat: ATM card.
銀行帳戶 ngaan-hong jeung wu: bank account
銀行帳戶持有人 ngaan-hong jeung wu chi yau yan: bank account holder.
銀行擔保 ngaan-hong daam pou: bank guarantee.
銀行營業戶口 ngaan-hong ying yip wu hau: business bank account.
聯名戶口 luen meng wu hau: joint bank account.
自動轉賬 ji dung juen jeung: direct deposit.
賬戶 jeung wu: bank account.
銀行結餘 ngaan-hong git yue: bank balance.
銀行貸款 ngaan-hong taai fun: bank loan.
入數 yap sou: bank deposit.
銀行結單 ngaan-hong git daan: bank statement.
月結單 yuet git daan: bank statement.
滙豐投資銀行亞洲有限公司 wui fung tau ji ngaan-hong aa jau yau-haan gung-si: HSBC Investment Bank Asia Ltd.
工商銀行 gung seung ngaan-hong: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
上海商業銀行 seung hoi seung yip ngaan-hong: Shanghai Commercial Bank.
東亞銀行有限公司 dung aa ngaan-hong yau-haan gung-si: The Bank of East Asia Ltd.
南洋商業銀行 naam yeung seung yip ngaan-hong: Nanyang Commercial Bank.
東亞銀行 dung aa ngaan-hong: Bank of East Asia.
美國銀行 mei gwok ngaan-hong: Bank of America.
德意志銀行 dak yi ji ngaan-hong: Deutsche Bank.
德國銀行 dak gwok ngaan-hong: Deutsche Bank AG.
荷蘭銀行 ho laan ngaan-hong: ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
蘇格蘭皇家銀行 sou gaak laan wong gaa ngaan-hong: Royal Bank of Scotland.
英格蘭銀行 ying gaak laan ngaan-hong: Bank of England.
渣打銀行 jaa daa ngaan-hong: Standard Chartered Bank.
歐洲中央銀行 au jau jung yeung ngaan-hong: European Central Bank.
浙江第一銀行 jit gong dai yat ngaan-hong: Chekiang First Bank (on Pine Street, SF).
中國工商銀行 jung gwok gung seung ngaan-hong: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Grant Avenue, SF).
富士銀行 fu si ngaan hong: Fuji Bank Limited.
東京三菱銀行 dung king saam ling ngaan-hong: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi.
東海銀行 dung hoi ngaan-hong: Tokai Bank.
NOTE: WP&Import/Export
銀行 ngaan-hong: bank.
支票 ji piu: bank cheque.
存款 chuen fun: bank deposit, bank account.
中央銀行 jung yeung ngaan-hong: central bank.
儲蓄所 savings bank.
商人銀行 sueng yan ngaan-hong: merchant bank.
外匯銀行 ngoi wui ngaan-hong: exchange bank.
商業銀行 seung yip ngaan-hong: commercial bank.
帳戶 jeung wu: account.
銀行存款 ngaan hong chuen fun: bank account.
打簿 daa bou: get a bank statement.
結餘 git yue: bank balance.
私人銀行 si yan ngaan-hong: private bank.
代理銀行 doi lei ngaan-hong: correspondent bank.
受理銀行 sau lei ngaan-hong: receiving bank.
提款咭 tai fun kaat: ATM card.
提款卡 tai fun kaat: ATM card.
銀行帳戶 ngaan-hong jeung wu: bank account
銀行帳戶持有人 ngaan-hong jeung wu chi yau yan: bank account holder.
銀行擔保 ngaan-hong daam pou: bank guarantee.
銀行營業戶口 ngaan-hong ying yip wu hau: business bank account.
聯名戶口 luen meng wu hau: joint bank account.
自動轉賬 ji dung juen jeung: direct deposit.
賬戶 jeung wu: bank account.
銀行結餘 ngaan-hong git yue: bank balance.
銀行貸款 ngaan-hong taai fun: bank loan.
入數 yap sou: bank deposit.
銀行結單 ngaan-hong git daan: bank statement.
月結單 yuet git daan: bank statement.
滙豐投資銀行亞洲有限公司 wui fung tau ji ngaan-hong aa jau yau-haan gung-si: HSBC Investment Bank Asia Ltd.
工商銀行 gung seung ngaan-hong: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
上海商業銀行 seung hoi seung yip ngaan-hong: Shanghai Commercial Bank.
東亞銀行有限公司 dung aa ngaan-hong yau-haan gung-si: The Bank of East Asia Ltd.
南洋商業銀行 naam yeung seung yip ngaan-hong: Nanyang Commercial Bank.
東亞銀行 dung aa ngaan-hong: Bank of East Asia.
美國銀行 mei gwok ngaan-hong: Bank of America.
德意志銀行 dak yi ji ngaan-hong: Deutsche Bank.
德國銀行 dak gwok ngaan-hong: Deutsche Bank AG.
荷蘭銀行 ho laan ngaan-hong: ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
蘇格蘭皇家銀行 sou gaak laan wong gaa ngaan-hong: Royal Bank of Scotland.
英格蘭銀行 ying gaak laan ngaan-hong: Bank of England.
渣打銀行 jaa daa ngaan-hong: Standard Chartered Bank.
歐洲中央銀行 au jau jung yeung ngaan-hong: European Central Bank.
浙江第一銀行 jit gong dai yat ngaan-hong: Chekiang First Bank (on Pine Street, SF).
中國工商銀行 jung gwok gung seung ngaan-hong: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Grant Avenue, SF).
富士銀行 fu si ngaan hong: Fuji Bank Limited.
東京三菱銀行 dung king saam ling ngaan-hong: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi.
東海銀行 dung hoi ngaan-hong: Tokai Bank.
NOTE: WP&Import/Export
Monday, April 8, 2013
飄 biu: float, drift, whirl.
著 juek, jyu: to touch, to wear; to make known, to author; action in progress.
些 se: a little, a few; rather.
微 mei: small, minute; decline; millionth part.
吹 cheui: puff, blow; brag, boast.
動 dung: move, happen; to act, to move, to change.
髮 faat: hair.
戀 luen, lyun: love, long for, year; feel attachement.
般 bun: sort, class, category.
分行 fan hang: branch company; subsidiary.
蜜 mat: honey.
教 gaau: teach, instruct.
慢慢 maan maan: slowly; in a leisurely manner.
流 lau: flow, drift; class, ranking.
底 dai: bottom part, underneath.
游 yau: float, swim, drift, wander, roam.
枯樹 fu syu: withered trees.
冷 laang: cool, cold; lonely.
裡 leui: inside, interior; within.
搖 yiu: swing, shake, wave; to row with oars.
野 ye: wilderness, moors.
暮 mou: evening, sunset, dusk.
殘 chaan: destroy, opress, ruin; cruel, oppressive, savage; broken.
霞 haa: rosy clouds, especially at dawn.
自助 ji jou: self service.
檀島 taan tou: 'sandalwood island' - Hawaii, specifically Honolulu.
撻 taat: flog; a tartlett.
塔 taap: tower, pagoda; a tartlett.
櫃枱 gwai toi: shop counter.
海泡石煙斗 hoi paau sek yin dau: 'sea foam stone smoking pipe' - meerschaum pipe.
鼠 syu: rat, mouse.
狐狸 wu lei: fox.
水貂 seui diu: mink, mustelid spp.
冒充 mou chung: feign, pretend to be.
冒 mou: to risk, dare.
充 chung: fill up, be full; supply.
淺灘 chin taan: shoal; shallow beach; a sand bank
儲錢罐 chyu chin gun: money box, piggy bank.
豬仔錢罐 jyu jai cin gun: piggy bank, money box.
陰司紙 yam si ji: Hell bank notes.
庫 撲 罌 汀洲 恆
刷 chaat: to brush; scrub.
蔘茸藥行 saam yung yuek hang: apothecary.
河堤 ho tai: embankment.
河邊 ho pin: riverside river bank.
行長 hong jeung: president of an enterprise.
衆 jung; masses, multitude; the public.
棕果 jung gwo: palm fruit.
短 duen: short, weak, lacking.
褐 hot: coarse woolens, hemp; dark brown or grey.
灰 fui: ashes, dust; slaked lime; grey; dejected.
伏 fuk: crouch, crawl; conceal.
扁 pin: flat; board, tablet. Same as 匾 (pin): horizontal inscribed sign.
翼 yik: wings, fins.
顱 lou: forehead, skull.
鼠 syu: mouse, rat.
耳 yi: ear, handle.
足 juk: foot, attain.
腿 teui: thighs, gams.
霍 fok: suddenly.
氏 si: clan; maiden name.
蹄 tai: hooves, trotters.
魯 lou: foolish, stupid; vulgar.
鬚 sou: whiskers, moustaches.
墓 mou: tomb.
皺 jau: wrinkles, wattles, skin folds; creased.
唇 seun: lips.
吻 man: kiss, lips & mouth.
青檸汁 ching ning chap: 'green lemon sap' - lime juice.
酸豆 suen dau: 'sour bean' - tamarind.
醋 tsou: vinegar.
鹽 yim: salt.
物 mat: thing, object; matter.
氛圍 fan wai: ambience, atmosphere.
氛 fan: gas, vapour.
圍 wai: surround, encircle.
靚女 leng neui: pretty girl.
改善 goi sin: make better, improve.
站 jaam: stand guard; station, stand, bus stop.
立場 laap cheung: position, standpoint; point of view.
無可能 mou ho nang: impossible; can't be done.
對岸 deui ngon: opposite bank; other side of a body of water.
錢莊 chin jong: money changer.
飄 biu: float, drift, whirl.
著 juek, jyu: to touch, to wear; to make known, to author; action in progress.
些 se: a little, a few; rather.
微 mei: small, minute; decline; millionth part.
吹 cheui: puff, blow; brag, boast.
動 dung: move, happen; to act, to move, to change.
髮 faat: hair.
戀 luen, lyun: love, long for, year; feel attachement.
般 bun: sort, class, category.
分行 fan hang: branch company; subsidiary.
蜜 mat: honey.
教 gaau: teach, instruct.
慢慢 maan maan: slowly; in a leisurely manner.
流 lau: flow, drift; class, ranking.
底 dai: bottom part, underneath.
游 yau: float, swim, drift, wander, roam.
枯樹 fu syu: withered trees.
冷 laang: cool, cold; lonely.
裡 leui: inside, interior; within.
搖 yiu: swing, shake, wave; to row with oars.
野 ye: wilderness, moors.
暮 mou: evening, sunset, dusk.
殘 chaan: destroy, opress, ruin; cruel, oppressive, savage; broken.
霞 haa: rosy clouds, especially at dawn.
自助 ji jou: self service.
檀島 taan tou: 'sandalwood island' - Hawaii, specifically Honolulu.
撻 taat: flog; a tartlett.
塔 taap: tower, pagoda; a tartlett.
櫃枱 gwai toi: shop counter.
海泡石煙斗 hoi paau sek yin dau: 'sea foam stone smoking pipe' - meerschaum pipe.
鼠 syu: rat, mouse.
狐狸 wu lei: fox.
水貂 seui diu: mink, mustelid spp.
冒充 mou chung: feign, pretend to be.
冒 mou: to risk, dare.
充 chung: fill up, be full; supply.
淺灘 chin taan: shoal; shallow beach; a sand bank
儲錢罐 chyu chin gun: money box, piggy bank.
豬仔錢罐 jyu jai cin gun: piggy bank, money box.
陰司紙 yam si ji: Hell bank notes.
庫 撲 罌 汀洲 恆
刷 chaat: to brush; scrub.
蔘茸藥行 saam yung yuek hang: apothecary.
河堤 ho tai: embankment.
河邊 ho pin: riverside river bank.
行長 hong jeung: president of an enterprise.
衆 jung; masses, multitude; the public.
棕果 jung gwo: palm fruit.
短 duen: short, weak, lacking.
褐 hot: coarse woolens, hemp; dark brown or grey.
灰 fui: ashes, dust; slaked lime; grey; dejected.
伏 fuk: crouch, crawl; conceal.
扁 pin: flat; board, tablet. Same as 匾 (pin): horizontal inscribed sign.
翼 yik: wings, fins.
顱 lou: forehead, skull.
鼠 syu: mouse, rat.
耳 yi: ear, handle.
足 juk: foot, attain.
腿 teui: thighs, gams.
霍 fok: suddenly.
氏 si: clan; maiden name.
蹄 tai: hooves, trotters.
魯 lou: foolish, stupid; vulgar.
鬚 sou: whiskers, moustaches.
墓 mou: tomb.
皺 jau: wrinkles, wattles, skin folds; creased.
唇 seun: lips.
吻 man: kiss, lips & mouth.
青檸汁 ching ning chap: 'green lemon sap' - lime juice.
酸豆 suen dau: 'sour bean' - tamarind.
醋 tsou: vinegar.
鹽 yim: salt.
物 mat: thing, object; matter.
氛圍 fan wai: ambience, atmosphere.
氛 fan: gas, vapour.
圍 wai: surround, encircle.
靚女 leng neui: pretty girl.
改善 goi sin: make better, improve.
站 jaam: stand guard; station, stand, bus stop.
立場 laap cheung: position, standpoint; point of view.
無可能 mou ho nang: impossible; can't be done.
對岸 deui ngon: opposite bank; other side of a body of water.
錢莊 chin jong: money changer.
Friday, April 5, 2013
九龍塘 Kowloon Tong.
南丫島 Lamma Island.
舂磡角 Chung Hom Kok.
銀洲 Round Island.
爛頭島 Lantau.
頭洲 Head Island.
舂磡灣 Chung Hom Bay.
熨波洲 Smooth Ripples.
深水灣 Deep Water Bay.
鴨脷洲 Duck's Tongue Island; Ap Lei Chau.
黃竹坑 Yellowing Bamboo Pit.
舂磡角道 Chung Hom Kok Road.
環角道 Cape Road.
樂活道 Broadwood Road.
連道 Link Road.
跑馬地 Happy Valley.
灣仔區 Wan Chai.
南洋影片 South Sea Film; predecessor of Shaw Brothers Studio.
九龍塘 Kowloon Tong.
南丫島 Lamma Island.
舂磡角 Chung Hom Kok.
銀洲 Round Island.
爛頭島 Lantau.
頭洲 Head Island.
舂磡灣 Chung Hom Bay.
熨波洲 Smooth Ripples.
深水灣 Deep Water Bay.
鴨脷洲 Duck's Tongue Island; Ap Lei Chau.
黃竹坑 Yellowing Bamboo Pit.
舂磡角道 Chung Hom Kok Road.
環角道 Cape Road.
樂活道 Broadwood Road.
連道 Link Road.
跑馬地 Happy Valley.
灣仔區 Wan Chai.
南洋影片 South Sea Film; predecessor of Shaw Brothers Studio.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
King Xuan of Qi (r. 342 - 324 BCE)
孟子曰、 臣聞之胡齕曰、王坐於堂上、有牽牛而過堂下者、王見之、曰、牛何之。對曰、 將以釁鐘。王曰、 舍之、吾不忍其觳觫、若無罪而就死地。對曰、 然則廢釁鐘與。曰、 何可廢也。以羊易之。
孟子曰、 臣聞之胡齕曰、王坐於堂上、有牽牛而過堂下者、王見之、曰、牛何之。對曰、 將以釁鐘。王曰、 舍之、吾不忍其觳觫、若無罪而就死地。對曰、 然則廢釁鐘與。曰、 何可廢也。以羊易之。
列女傳; Biographies of Famous Women.
King Xuan of Qi (r. 342 - 324 BCE)
孟子曰、 臣聞之胡齕曰、王坐於堂上、有牽牛而過堂下者、王見之、曰、牛何之。對曰、 將以釁鐘。王曰、 舍之、吾不忍其觳觫、若無罪而就死地。對曰、 然則廢釁鐘與。曰、 何可廢也。以羊易之。
孟子曰、 臣聞之胡齕曰、王坐於堂上、有牽牛而過堂下者、王見之、曰、牛何之。對曰、 將以釁鐘。王曰、 舍之、吾不忍其觳觫、若無罪而就死地。對曰、 然則廢釁鐘與。曰、 何可廢也。以羊易之。
列女傳; Biographies of Famous Women.
Milk tea
正宗絲襪奶茶 jeng jung si mat naai cha: old school silk-stocking milk-tea.
家庭奶茶 gaa ting naai cha: family style milk-tea.
煉奶 lin naai: condensed milk.
淡奶 daam naai:evaporated milk.
Milk tea
正宗絲襪奶茶 jeng jung si mat naai cha: old school silk-stocking milk-tea.
家庭奶茶 gaa ting naai cha: family style milk-tea.
煉奶 lin naai: condensed milk.
淡奶 daam naai:evaporated milk.
Monday, April 1, 2013
翼手目 yik sau muk:
'wingspan-handed category'; bats, chiropters.
棕果蝠 jung gwo fuk: palm fruitbat.
短吻果蝠 duen man gwo fuk: short-snouted fruitbat.
褐山蝠 hot saan fuk: grey hill bat.
東亞家蝠 dung ngaa gaa fuk: East-Asian family bat.
灰伏翼 fui fuk fuk: ashy crouching bat.
扁顱蝠 pin lo fuk: flat skull bat.
褐扁顱蝠 hot pin lo fuk: grey tablet bat.
中黃蝠 jung wong fuk: central yellow bat.
長翼蝠 cheung yik fuk: long winged bat.
大長翼蝠 daai cheung yik fuk: greater long winged bat.
南長翼蝠 naam cheung yik fuk: southern long winged bat.
中華鼠耳蝠 jung wa syu yi fuk: the Chinese mouse-eared bat.
大足鼠耳蝠 daai juk syu yi fuk: the big foot mouse-eared bat.
毛腿鼠耳蝠 mou teui syu yi fuk: the furry-thighed mouse-eared bat.
霍氏鼠耳蝠 fok si syu yi fuk: Horsefield's mouse-eared bat.
喜山鼠耳蝠 hei saan syu yi fuk: happy mountain mouse-eared bat.
水鼠耳蝠 sui syu yi fuk: water mouse-eared bat.
小蹄蝠 siu tai fuk: lesser horseshoe-nosed bat.
大蹄蝠 daai tai fuk: greater horseshoe-nosed bat.
小菊頭蝠 siu kuk tau fuk: little chrysanthemum-headed bat.
中菊頭蝠 jung kuk tau fuk: medium chrysanthemum-headed bat.
魯氏菊頭蝠 lo si kuk tau fuk: Roux's horseshoe-nosed bat.
黑鬚墓蝠 hak so mou fuk: dark-whiskered tomb bat.
皺唇犬吻蝠 jau seun huen man fuk: the wrinkle-lipped dog-snout bat.
'wingspan-handed category'; bats, chiropters.
棕果蝠 jung gwo fuk: palm fruitbat.
短吻果蝠 duen man gwo fuk: short-snouted fruitbat.
褐山蝠 hot saan fuk: grey hill bat.
東亞家蝠 dung ngaa gaa fuk: East-Asian family bat.
灰伏翼 fui fuk fuk: ashy crouching bat.
扁顱蝠 pin lo fuk: flat skull bat.
褐扁顱蝠 hot pin lo fuk: grey tablet bat.
中黃蝠 jung wong fuk: central yellow bat.
長翼蝠 cheung yik fuk: long winged bat.
大長翼蝠 daai cheung yik fuk: greater long winged bat.
南長翼蝠 naam cheung yik fuk: southern long winged bat.
中華鼠耳蝠 jung wa syu yi fuk: the Chinese mouse-eared bat.
大足鼠耳蝠 daai juk syu yi fuk: the big foot mouse-eared bat.
毛腿鼠耳蝠 mou teui syu yi fuk: the furry-thighed mouse-eared bat.
霍氏鼠耳蝠 fok si syu yi fuk: Horsefield's mouse-eared bat.
喜山鼠耳蝠 hei saan syu yi fuk: happy mountain mouse-eared bat.
水鼠耳蝠 sui syu yi fuk: water mouse-eared bat.
小蹄蝠 siu tai fuk: lesser horseshoe-nosed bat.
大蹄蝠 daai tai fuk: greater horseshoe-nosed bat.
小菊頭蝠 siu kuk tau fuk: little chrysanthemum-headed bat.
中菊頭蝠 jung kuk tau fuk: medium chrysanthemum-headed bat.
魯氏菊頭蝠 lo si kuk tau fuk: Roux's horseshoe-nosed bat.
黑鬚墓蝠 hak so mou fuk: dark-whiskered tomb bat.
皺唇犬吻蝠 jau seun huen man fuk: the wrinkle-lipped dog-snout bat.
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