Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Textual mementoes of a black era

敢想敢干  Gam seung, gam gon.
"Dare to think and dare to act"

百花齊放、百家爭鳴  Baak faa jai fong, baak gaa jaang ming.
"Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend"

百花運動  Baak faa wan dung.
Hundred Flowers Movement.

破四舊  Po sei gau.
"Destroy the four olds"
[Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas]

造反有理 / 革命無罪、造反有理  Chou faan yau lei / Gaak meng mou cheui, chou faan yau lei.
"To rebell is justified"

打倒四人幫  Daa dou sei yan pong.
"Destroy the gang of four"

改革開放  Goi gaak hoi fong.
"Reform and open to the outside world"

實事求是  Sat si kau si.
"Seek truth from facts"

社會主義好  Se wui chyu yi hou.
"Socialism is good"

馬列主義大普及  Maa laat chyu yi daai pou gap.
"Widely disseminate Marxism-Leninism"

工業學大慶  Gung yip hok daai ying.
"Learn industry from Daqing"

全世界人民一定胜利  Chuen sai gaai yan man yat ding sing lei.
"The people of the world will certainly triumph"

全世界無產者聯合起來  Chuen sai gaai mou chaan je luen gap hei loi.
"Proletarians of the world, unite!"

反右運動  Faan yau wan dung.
Anti-rightist movement

中共中央政治局  Jung gung jung yeung jing chi guk.

中國共產黨中央委員會  Jung gwok gung chaan dong jung yeung wai yuen wui.
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

大躍進  Daai yeuk chyun
Great leap forward

炮打司令部  Baau daa si ling bou.
Bombard the headquarters

批鬥大會  Pai dau daai wui.
Struggle sessions

階級敵人  Gaai kap dik yan.
Class enemies

走資派 / 走資本主義道路的當權派  Jau ji paai / Jau chi pun chyu yi dou lou dik dong kuen paai.
Capitalist roader

資本主義  Chi pun chyu yi.

當權派  Dong kuen paai.

走狗  Jau kau.
Running dog